While you were Sleeping

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After the shoot Wooyoung once again darted of to the dance studio as soon as he got the chance. Filling his mind with choreo and the hum of music as he practiced.

Meanwhile San on the other hand kept thinking back to Wooyoung's hand on his back as he sat with the other boys watching tv and eating tea.

"Maybe he wanted to tell me something and that’s why he touched my back?" San thought to himself as he questioned everything " . . .But then why was he trembling? Why was his face bright red? Your face doesn't turn red for nothing"

San wished Wooyoung would just come back already so he could ask him. He didn't care that Wooyoung was trying to avoid him.

San was even prepared (mentally) for Wooyoung to push him again or slam the door in his face if it meant  he could get some sort of answer, or at least try.

The tv show that the boys were watching finished up and everyone left to go to bed.

But San stayed put.

He curled his body around Shiber in a hug as he watched the front door. Wooyoung would come back and San was ready to corner him and demand answers.

About 40 minutes had passed and still no sign of Wooyoung.

The dorm was silent and dark. Only the  soft snores of his team members could be heard through the walls as they were deep in their slumber.

San had turned off all the lights except for a small one sitting on the coffee table next to him and now lent on the edge of the couch propping his head up in one hand and still holding Shiber in his lap with the other.

San's eyes were getting droopy, his body heavy from the day's work. He looked at the clock on the wall.


Once again Wooyoung was out late. He hoped he was ok.


San was really tired. He snuggled into the couch resting his head on the arm of the couch which had now become his very uncomfortable pillow.

San let his eyes close. Not before long San was fast asleep, huddled in a ball in the corner of the couch.


Wooyoung let out a huge yawn as he unlocked the door to the dorm. His body cold from the night air outside.

He took of his shoes at the door popping them on the shelf before shuffling down the hallway.

He'd noticed the light when he'd come through the door and had assumed that someone had left it on for him so he could see when he got home.

He hadn't expected though to see San curled up and snoring away fast alseep next to it.

"Was he waiting for me?" Wooyoung thought, but he wasn't sure.

San never slept at night on the couch, no matter where they were or what they were doing San always found himself to his bed in the end so it surprised Wooyoung to see San here now.

Wooyoung left San there as he had a quick shower, dressed himself in his comfy pyjama's and brushed his teeth.

Wooyoung was full on ready to just leave San there all night and sleep back in his own room instead of with Mingi.
But something stopped him as he hovered next to the lamp that was still on.

The chill of the night was encroaching on the dorm and Wooyoung swore he saw San shiver.

Even though Wooyoung wasn't talking to San he still cared about him. He didn't want him to be cold.

Wooyoung stood staring at San "Should I give him a blanket???"

Wooyoung turned around looking into the darkness of the dorm. He spotted a blanket sitting on the foot stool and he quietly walked over picking it up, careful not to wake the sleeping San.

Wooyoung unfolded the blanket and gently placed it over San.

Wooyoung smiled to himself, satisfied that his best friend wouldn't freeze to death.

He turned to turn off the light, hand raised just above the switch.


Wooyoung looked back at San. Wooyoung put his palm to his face immediately and sighed.

San's arm had shot out knocking Shiber on the floor and flinging the blanket off in the process.

Wooyoung would of thought San was a awake if it weren't for the drool coming out the corner of his mouth and the soft snore that escaped San's lips to prove that he was still fast asleep.

Wooyoung picked up Shiber and placed him next to San, he then picked up San's arm and tucked it by his side before putting the blanket once again over San.


2 seconds later Shiber was on the floor again and the blanket hung over the front of the couch not over San.

"San?" Wooyoung asked out load "Are you awake?". Wooyoung lightly pushed San shoulder but he got no reply.

Wooyoung was tired and he really couldn't be bothered anymore.

He let out an impatient huff as he kicked Shiber to the side so he could stand in front of San.

Wooyoung bent down one hand coming around San's thighs the other around Sans back as he lifted him in the air.

Wooyoung awkwardly switched off the light as he carefully straddled San to his chest, walking back to their room.

Wooyoung looked down at San whom was comfortably rested in his arms.

His heart sped up.

San looked so peaceful  nestled against his chest, and for some reason that Wooyoung couldn't explain to himself he didn't want to put down San.

His body may have been sore from dancing but he couldn't bring himself to put San where he belonged back in his bed.

"Just for a moment" he thought, just one moment Wooyoung would allow himself to look at San, to really look at him and take pleasure in holding the boy whom he (as much as he tried to deny it) had a crush on in his arms.

Wooyoung stood for a long while indulging in San.

5minutes? 10 minutes? Wooyoung  wasn't sure how long he'd been standing frozen with a sleeping San in the dark of their room.

With hesitation Wooyoung finally put San down on his bed, tucking him tightly so his arms wouldn't fly out again.

Wooyoung pushed San's hair back, placing a tender kiss to his forehead and then ran away back out to the living room, sitting himself in the same spot San had just been, regretting everything (almost)  and falling asleep.

San was none the wiser as he dreamt of sweet dreams

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