Pancakes & Dollar Bills

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Wooyoung nervously walked into the kitchen and over to San who was piling pancakes onto a plate. Wooyoung rested his head on San's shoulder.

"You ready to tell the guys? We don't have to say anything if you don't want to" San asked

Wooyoung paused for a second, the team was bound to find out eventually.

Although he was nervous as hell Woo was ready to rip that bandaid completly off. He had San by he side who was so chill and relax about the whole situation and he wanted to be that way too.

"Mmhmm" Woo said nodding into San's shoulder.

Wooyoung got a plate for himself and stacked on the pancakes before walking over to the dining table to where the other boys were sitting and chattering away as they ate.

San took Wooyoung's plate and placed both his and Woo's on the table. Wooyoung was confused, giving San a look to ask him what he was doing. San just smiled and mouthed "You ready?"

Wooyoung raised his eyebrows as he realised what was happening and tbh he was happy for San to take the lead in this situation.

San looked at Hongjoong, and Hongjoong knowing exactly what was happening clapped his hands getting the groups attention.

"Morning everyone! We have the usual schedule today which I'll go through in a moment, but first San and Wooyoung have an announcement" Hongjoong waved his hand at the pair whom were standing at the head of the table.

The room was silent all eyes on Woosan.

"Well. . .umm" San began, a flash of nervousness coming over him as all the boys watched them like they were some side show at a carnival.

San looked down at his hands and then over to Wooyoung's. San grabbed Woo's hand in his and laced their fingers together ".  .We're dating"

Woosan let out a deep breath, ready to face the group together, and the group did indeed have some interesting reactions.

Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Yunho squealed giving eachother highfives.

Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho all made disgruntled annoyed sounds and

. . . pulled out their wallets??

Woo looked at San and San gave him a shrug, he was just as confused.

Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho all pulled $20 bills from their wallet sliding them across the table to the happy highfiving team.

"Whats happening? I'm confused" San asked looking at Hongjoong

Hongjoong briefly looked around the table before saying "We had a bet"

"A bet?! What was the bet?" Woo asked shocked

"Well Seonghwa, Yunho and I all thought that you two would end up dating and these three. ."Hongjoong said pointing at Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho ". . .thought you two were just really close friends and thats all you were ever going to be"

"Oh" Woosan said in unison

"I thought you two were just besties but they were convinced otherwise" Mingi said jutting his jaw towards the winning team crossing his arms over his chest.

"A-are y-you ok that we're dating" Wooyoung asked bracing for impact

"Of course!" Yeosang said as all the boys nodded and smiled. "We never said that you wouldn't be cute together or anything, I actually personally ship Woosan. I just thought that you two would always stay friends"

San let out a giggle at hearing their fan name out-loud and Woo made a funny snort as he gave San's hand a squeeze, cheeks turning pink.

"I'm super happy my ship is officially sailing" Seonghwa clapped getting all giddy

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