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"Wooyoung! Jung Wooyoung?!" someone called

Suddenly Wooyoung snapped back to reality as he noticed the photographer waving him over, it was his turn for his individual shoot.

He dragged his eyes away from San whom was calmly talking with one of the staff members.

Wooyoung's legs trembled as he walked over to the photographer, bowing on approach.

"Don't be Nervous! You'll be fine" the photographer said reading Wooyoung's shakiness as nervousness for the shoot, unlike the reality which was that he had the hots for his best friend.

The photographer directed Wooyoung to a chair and gave him pointers on how to pose.

Wooyoung did his best to listen to the photographers instructions but his eyes kept lingering back to San whom was now playfully dancing around with Yunho.

Eventually Wooyoung's individual shoot was over and San was up next.

San smiled at Wooyoung looking him up and down as he walked passed. Wooyoung looked hot.

Wooyoung practically died on the inside because of that one smile. On the outside though he maintained his distant unapproachable appearance.

Unlike Wooyoung, San was confident and needed little to no direction from the photographer as he twisted and posed his body into dynamic shapes for the photographer to capture.

The photographer and one of his staff marvelled at San, one of them traced a line in San's back, San confidently flexing to help define his lines.

Wooyoung let his mind creep to dangerous thoughts as he watched San, allowing his mind to slip to the dark side.

Wooyoung wondered what it would be like to trace all the lines of San's body. San looked hot af, and Wooyoung couldn't deny it.

He wondered what that lacy garment felt like, he wondered what San felt like. He imagined running his hand's along San's body, across the lace on his back, his chest. . . his body underneath.

A soft moan escaped from Wooyoung lips.

Wooyoung snapped his head out of his thoughts swearing to himself remembering exactly where he was.

He looked around to make sure no one had heard his mistake, thankful for the music that was playing over the speakers.

No one was giving him a strange look and Wooyoung thanked the heavens.

San soon finished up and the other boys had their shoots.

Once all the boys were done it was up to the group shoot.

Wooyoung had calmed his farm a little but now he was set for a new rollercoaster ride as the photographer and some other staff directed them into a seated position on the floor.

All the members were propped up against each other's backs.

Both San and Wooyoung were well  aware of the others presence as they were sat right beside each other.

The photographer made extra care to make sure Wooyoung was "comfortable" making reference to his shakiness from earlier, embarrassing the poor boy as not everyone witnessed his individual shoot.

That surprised San, since Wooyoung was usually quite comfortable during photo shoots. San had also noticed that Wooyoung was trembling a little next to him now and he wondered why.

The next set up had the boys standing in a line facing forwards and this time Wooyoung was behind San.

And Wooyoung . . made a terrible mistake (well for him anyway).

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