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Wooyoung's eyes went wide as San brought his hand to Wooyoung's cheek and kissed him softly. Fireworks going off inside his chest.

His best friend was kissing him . .

His best friend who he'd just confessed to . .

Who he thought was straight.

Wooyoung was frozen as San tried to part Wooyoung's lips with his own.

San opened his eyes, not breaking the kiss, looking into Wooyoung's eyes whose were wide as hell. "Well . ." San thought "he's not kissing back, but he's not pulling away either"

San pulled back releasing Wooyoung's lips from his.

Wooyoung was confused and shocked at how easily San had kissed him, no hesitation what so ever. He needed answers.

The words were stuttered, but they came out easier than his confession "Do you . . like Me?

San smiled and nodded his head, a huge smile spreading across his face.

"You like me? . .Why" Wooyoung asked baffled at his best friend.

San chuckled " I like you Woo, I just do"

"Since when" Wooyoung asked quickly, needing all the answers

"Since . . I don't know, a long time" San looked away shyly, blushing.

Wooyoung felt like he was on an emotional rollercoaster "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Probably for the same reason you didn't want to tell me now" San answered, meeting Wooyoung's eyes.

Wooyoung bobbed his head, trying to process all this new information.

"I thought you were straight . ."San continued " . I guess I just learnt to hide my true feelings from you. A lot better than you did obviously, this is why you've been avoiding me right?"

Wooyoung nodded, his heart beating up a storm in his chest.

He wondered whether maybe San was just messing with him and that at any moment San would tell him he was joking. But that moment didn't come.

A moment of silence passed and both boys watched each other. San couldn't wait anymore though. He had liked Wooyoung for a lot longer, so being able to be with him like this now, to kiss him like this now knowing that Wooyoung had feelings for him was a dream come true for San.

He didn't want to miss the opportunity in case Wooyoung changed his mind. After this past week, being together with Wooyoung now, the boy he'd loved for so long, and having him not dart away made San so happy.

San once again lent in, a little slower this time, testing the waters. 

Wooyoung lent in too meeting San's lips again. Both boys closed their eyes as they let their lips do the talking.

San brought himself closer looping his body around Wooyoung's so that their chests were practically together and his legs locked around Woo's back, hands tousling his hair bringing their faces closer.

Wooyoung placed his hands on San's hips before wrapping them around San's back, locking them so that he couldn't escape.

He surprised himself at just how easily he was accepting his feelings for San, only moments ago Wooyoung had been hating himself for having these feelings since he thought San would hate him for it. But now that he knew San liked him he wanted to give into all those dangerous thoughts he never thought possible.

San released Wooyoung's lips from his, trailing kisses down Wooyoung's neck. Wooyoung let out a soft moan that he had been holding and San smiled into Wooyoung's neck. He'd never heard that sound come out of his friend before, but now that he'd heard it he wanted to hear it again.

San swept his kisses back up to Wooyoung's mouth biting Woo's lip a little before kissing him again, giving into his cravings.

Wooyoung let San slip his tongue inside, exploring his mouth, their tongues dancing together as each tried to assert dominance. Wooyoung's kisses began to become just as eager as San's were, as their mouths melded together.

San let his hands slide down Wooyoung's chest finding the edge of Wooyoung's shirt. He pulled at the stitching a little before sliding his hands inside feeling Wooyoung's soft body underneath. Wooyoung was hypnotised under San's touch and he let slip another moan.

San smiled into their already passionate kiss, that beautiful moan his new favourite sound. 

Both boys were thankful that it was night-time as it meant that nobody would find them like this since they'd all be at home. Relationships were already forbidden for idols at their company, and the fact that they were both guys would only make it worse if they were caught.

As Wooyoung's mouth moved in tune with San's, he felt all of his worries slip away, all that tension that he had been holding in being released. Wooyoung was exploring his new feelings and San was hungry for Wooyoung, both happy to finally cross that void that had been created.

Wooyoung's feelings for San had appeared so suddenly, but finding out that San already felt the same way made everything the more easier for him to accept his own feelings. If San could like him like this, he didn't see any problem in liking him back.

Both boys embraced each other, kissing until they were out of breath.

"We should return to the dorm" San told Wooyoung in a soft voice as he rested his forehead against Wooyoung's.  

"Probably" Wooyoung replied giving Sans nose a soft feather kiss.

With heavy sighs, the boys disentangled their bodies from each other. Wooyoung stood up pulling San up with him.

"Let's go home" Wooyoung said with a smile

Their hands locked together as they walked out the studio door. Each one of their fingers fitting perfectly between the others.

They had each other now. Ready to face the world.

The end!


Authors Note

Hi there Atiny! Thank you so much for reading, my heart literally does backflips every time I hit that publish button haha, I'm a nervous potato.

Tbh I had planned on finishing this book there, but now I'm pondering adding a bit more. Maybe a confession scene to the rest of the team about their relationship?

If you have any ideas about more things you want to see from my story let me know! I'm totally interested in adding some extra bonus mini stories if I can think of good enough content and if you guys are interested hehe

Anywho Thank you again for reading, Stan Ateez!!!!

Love Lorri xx

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