Talk to Me

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Back at the dorm San tried to approach Wooyoung to hang out and chat, but Wooyoung found an excuse to be elsewhere. He really didn't want to talk to San, and the small dorm meant that their proximity was even closer. Wooyoung didn't have much room to escape.

Wooyoung couldn't even hide in his individual dorm room because that he shared with San. Wooyoung's mind was running wild and he couldn't control his thoughts; the way San's lips had felt on his, what it would be like to kiss him again, what it would be like to do other things with San.

Wooyoung felt disgusted with himself. He wondered what San would think if he knew what he was thinking.

Wooyoung headed to Mingi, Yunho and Yeonsang's room looking for a distraction in his friends. He chatted with Mingi and Yeonsang who were in there at the time, before collapsing into a big heap on Mingi's bed and falling asleep, shutting out the world.


San although it made his heart flutter, had brushed the whole event off. He'd seen many other idols kiss each other in the same situation so he'd didn’t think too much of it. They'd kissed each other on the cheek before for fans for fun, so San didn't think it would be such a big deal for Wooyoung.

Boy was he wrong.

San had planned to try and talk to Wooyoung again, but was disappointed when Wooyoung never returned back to their room. "He'll be fine tomorrow" San thought to himself, giving up for the night and falling asleep hugging Shiber his plushie.

The next day was the usual back to back schedule. Practicing choreography in the studio, writing, recording and refining lyrics, daily exercise class etc.

Wooyoung still couldn't look at San. He stood next to him where necessary for choreo and such. But when the opportunity arose for him to be apart from San he took it.

Wooyoung pushed himself harder than usual, determined to distract his mind from his strange thoughts about San.
Wooyoung made sure he followed the standard schedule with the rest of the group, but he also added his own self made schedule on top of that, pushing himself to exhaustion to distract himself as he stayed back at the studio while the others went home.

He felt terrible pushing San away, but he wanted to save himself and San from knowing the feelings he had brewing inside, and the embarrassment of San knowing those feelings.

San could only watch on as Wooyoung refused to be near him. Leaving when he sat next to him at breakfast, moving seats when they were on the bus, walking away when he tried to make conversation.

San was at a loss for Wooyoung's strange behaviour. It upset San, but he decided to give Wooyoung more space in hopes that he'd get his affairs in order.
He'd try again later.


Wooyoung was in their room rummaging through his draw for a change of clothes, after just coming back from the studio when San came in.

Wooyoung grabbed the first thing he saw and stood up striding to the door but San stood in his way closing the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" San asked with a questioning tone looking at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung fumbled with the clothes he was holding "Nothing"

"Then why are you avoiding me?" San asked digging for answers

"I'm not avoiding you" Wooyoung said monotone avoiding Sans eyes denying the truth

San took a step towards Wooyoung reaching out to him, wanting to shake some sense into him, but Wooyoung shrunk back at Sans outstretched hand. San dropped his hand back to his side.

"If you're not avoiding me then what was that?" San asked "Talk to me Woo, you've been avoiding me all day"

But Wooyoung didn't want to talk, he felt like he didn't deserve a best friend like San, not when he was having strange romantic thoughts about him. He knew himself that he was indeed avoiding San.

Wooyoung went to walk past San but San blocked his path stretching his arms out like a scarecrow.

"Let me through San" he said, annoyance in his voice

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong"
Wooyoung shook his head

"There is nothing wrong, now move" there was a hint of fire to Wooyoung's voice now as he met San's eyes.

San stood his ground though, unmoving, despite the stern look he was receiving.

"Move" Wooyoung grumbled growing impatient, but still San wouldn't budge.

Wooyoung grabbed San's arm pushing it out of his way.

San stumbled as Wooyoung pushed him aside, wincing as the door slammed behind him.

It took all of Wooyoung's will to push San out of the way, open the door and leave, but he really didn't want to look at San who was the source of his confusion. He knew that he shouldn't have slammed the door or more importantly pushed San. But it was too late now.

Mingi and Yunho looked up from where they were lounging as Wooyoung stormed past and slammed the door to the bathroom. They looked at each other and shrugged.

Meanwhile San had slid down the back of the bedroom door, head in his hands. What was wrong? That was all he wanted to know. What was so bad that Wooyoung couldn't tell him what was wrong? Wooyoung usually told him everything.

He stood up after a long moment crawling into his bed, falling asleep, sadness in his heart.

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Authors Note
What counts as a good length for these chapters? Is this long enough???

On a completely unrelated note I bought NCT127's Seoul Photobook and its huge and I love it😍👌

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