Chapter 11

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Sun shone through the slightly misty window, Tom groaned, already knowing that he soon would have a splitting headache. He rolled over slightly, his fuzzy brain registered something warm next to him. He instinctively cuddled closer to the warmth and sighed happily, all was peaceful and quiet. Tom had just about falling asleep again when a heavy accent pierced the fog in his sleep-heavy brain. 

"Thomas, I am honestly quite shocked, cuddling a stuffed bear is one thing. But cuddling me? I never knew you were so daring" His voice was husky and deep, the teasing plus the accent when Tord said his name tipped Tom overboard.

 He couldn't hold in the blush that spread on his cheeks like wildfire "uhh, um I-I uh" Tom tripped over his words. Looking for any kind of escape from the awkwardness he felt, his arms were still wrapped tightly around Tord; Like he was afraid to let go of him, Tord laughed softly "you got pretty wasted last night didn't you" he stated. Tom inched forward a little bit "uh, yeah I went to the bar and I guess someone spiked my drink" he said. 

Tord looked down at him, his silver eyes sparkled and Tom was captivated by their beauty "beautiful eyes" Tom muttered. "hmm?" Tord smiled cheekily when Tom's eyes widened "N-no I uh meant I um" he stuttered out. Tord's grin got even wider and he snuggled closer to Tom "I think your eyes are beautiful too Tom" he whispered.

 Tom shivered slightly at Tords thicc accent (see what I did there) Tord noticed Toms blush go a deeper shade of red, he suddenly had an idea "Thomas" he tested. Tom all but melted into him when he heard his voice and tone, Tord knew that he was in control of Tom by this point "Thomas, can I ask you something?~" he smirked. 

"yes..." Tom was off on his planet by now, Tord tightened his grip around Tom "Do you like it when my accent goes heavy?" Tord whispered hotly in his ear. Tom snapped to attention "No" he crossed his arms and looked away, his face betrayed him though as even his ears were red by now. 

"I see, well you cannot like it at all. No, no, no, that would be stupid; After all its not like you're snuggled up against me or anything" he said coyly. Tom sighed and looked up at Tord again, who by the way was quite astonished. He had never seen this side of Tom, he didn't even know if Tom was gay. But whatever was happening, he was going with it. 

Tom rubbed his arm softly "Ok fine, you wanna hear it... I think your accent is pretty hot and I always have" he muttered. Tord's eyes shone and he swore his heart almost burst out of his muscled chest, he leaned in closer to Tom and put his face in his neck. 

Inhaling the musky smell of Smirnoff and dark chocolate, Tom's face was completely red by now and he had no idea what to do. He was sure that Tord could hear the wild uneven thumping of his heart.  Moments stretched between the two for an age, finally when Tom felt it had gone on too long not to be awkward. He took a deep breath and spoke up "so, Tord I just wanted to say something.

 Can we be like friends or maybe acquaintances whatever suits you? I mean I know you probably hate me or something but I want us to be friends... so please?" he rambled on,  more moments of silence followed on and Tom was worrying he said something wrong "Tord?" he said. 

He pushed Tord off of his neck slightly, he was shocked when he saw that the Commie had a soft look on his face and his eyes were closed. "Tord is... sleeping?" Tom was a bit shocked, to say the least, but then he realized he could take some time to study Tord's face. 

Tord had a pale scar on his head, it was hidden by his hair. He also had very soft looking lips "Nice going Tom, not gay at all" he stared at Tord's hair, the desire to touch it was overwhelming. Tom moved his other hand from Tord and set him down on his lap, Tom hesitated for a second before curiosity got the best of him. He ran his hands through Tords hair, he was shocked when he felt soft locks of hair beneath his hands "so Tord doesn't use gel? How does he get those devil horns in his hair then?!" Tom felt tired again, he lay down carefully with Tord's head resting on his stomach. His hands stayed in Tord's hair, the softness slowly helping him in his quest for sleep. 

That was such a looonnnggg chapter, sorry for being absent for a while. I thought some fluff would be nice in here, I'm in a fluff sort of mood. :) 

Oh but I would like to say, there could be possible smut in this book. I don't know, but if there is then I will put warnings. :) Have a good day/ night

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