Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: First day


"Jonna, Joanna get your butts down here before you're late for your first day of school!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. I was currently getting dressed for school in my room, we'd just moved to a new town for my dad's new company and "for a fresh new start full of fresh new opportunities", as my parents say. I'm so upset that I'll be leaving my besties Amanda and Kelly but, at the same time I'm happy because I get to start over. Kelly, Amanda, and I were the three musketeers and we all cried the day we found out I was moving, it was so tragic.

I observe myself in the full length mirror, I look sexy! I have on a red and blue obey tee-shirt with black skinny jeans and navy blue vans that bring out my eyes and my hair is in its usual quiff. I grab my black Jansport bag, my keys, and my black iPhone 5s. I step out my bedroom door and at the same time my sis steps out her room across from me. You've got to be kidding me...I thought we out grew the whole matching outfits thing!

We both groan. We go down the stairs with our backpacks on our shoulders and phones in hands. We walk in the kitchen and sit our book bags down and sit at the island just as two plates are set in front of us piled high with pancakes, eggs, and turkey bacon. I sigh lightly, as I stare dreadfully at the food. "Aw don't y'all look cute!" my mom coos with her strong southern accent. I take a sip of my orange juice and giggle while Joanna says "We didn't plan this at all, our styles are just very fashionable and similar." She takes a bite of her bacon and we smile over at each other then turn back to our mother. "My beautiful babies are going to 11th grade, I can't believe it!" she states as tears brim her eyes. We both roll our eyes and hug our mom. I drink like 7 cups of orange juice and never even think about touching my food, while Joanna scarfs her's down. "Bye mom and dad see you after school." Joanna states as we wave to our parents and make our get away to my beautiful Ferrari named Cherry.

We kinda have a lot of money because our dad is a lawyer and our mom is a doctor. We hop in, put on our black Channel shades, and I start the car. Joanna turns the music up really loud and the radio blares latch by disclosure ft. Sam Smith and I hum the lyrics while Joanna screams them and I break out in a silent fit of laughter. The rest of the car ride is filled with laughter, music, and sing-screaming.

We pull up into the parking lot with animals by maroon 5 blasting and I smile I love this song! I park the car and turn it off; me and Joanna grab our backpacks from the back seat, get out the car, and I lock the doors. When we take off our shades, we're met with all eyes on us and a gigantic school, I'm suddenly feeling VERY self conscious. Joanna and I lock arms and walk up to the school and right through the doors.

We make it about three steps in before the bell rings and the hallways clear. We walk to what I assume is the office nonchalantly, hey we're already late mine-eswell take our time. We walk in the office and approach the desk at the center of the room. "Hello miss, I'm Joanna and this is Jonna and we were wondering if we could get our schedules please?" Joanna asks with a sweet smile. "A girl with manners, I like you already. Here are your schedules, we put you in all your classes together except for P.E" the secretary hands us our schedules with a sweet smile and we thank her, well more like Joanna thanks her and I nod. We walk out, put our stuff in our lockers which are 3 lockers away from each other and grab our books for first period, Honors Geometry. We walk to class and I knock on the door.

The door opens and a man with reddish/brown hair and green eyes who looks about 30 stands in the doorway. He smiles warmly at us and motions us in, after we step in the class he shuts the door and all eyes are on us. "Class we have two new students who just moved here joining us. This is Jonna and Joanna Green." he says "Wow you both look exactly alike, are you twins?" some stupid boy jokes from the back of the room. I roll my eyes while my sister answers in a sassy tone "No, we aren't twins. I'm Snooki and he's Jwow." the class erupts in laughter, I snicker bowing my head. "Yeah, obviously we're twins but, we didn't plan the whole matching clothes thing it just happened." she states. "Well we are glad to have you two starting with us, you may take your seats" the teacher states smiling. We both take the two empty seats in the back of the classroom.


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