Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Movie nights


I can't help but stare. His scent hit me first. The sweet scent of mangos, vanilla, and mint was an odd combination but, addicting. God I wanted to take him in the middle of the classroom. I can't believe it's actually him! He is so hot I can't even comprehend what's happening as my mind fills with so many lust filled thoughts as my eyes rake over his small frame but, I stop before I get a boner in the middle of class.

The students start introducing themselves and my eyes are literally glued to him I probably look like a creepy stalker but at the moment I couldn't care less. He glances at me and smiles a breathtaking smile revealing teeth so white that I was almost blind. I smile back, then his sister stands to introduce herself. She goes and when he's called next I get excited to hear my mates beautiful voice but, am a little shocked, taken aback, and sad when his sister declares that he's mute. I don't gasp like the rest of the stupid ass people in this class though, that's rude; she introduces him and I can't help but smile/gawk at him like an idiot, he sounds amazing! The bell rings 2 minutes after I introduce myself to signal the end of the period.

*skip to lunch cuz I'm lazy as*

I haven't had the chance to talk to him yet but I'm going to right now.


Joanna and I walk into the cafeteria together looking around. We line up to get our lunch. It's not like I'm going to eat anything though. I grab a water and pear just so Joanna isn't suspicious. She grabbed pizza and water then turn to gaze upon the full cafeteria once again, but this time both our eyes land on Cameron motioning us over to a table with two empty seats left.

We both make our way over to the table that seats eight. "Hey" my sis states loudly over the noisy cafeteria. I just wave and smile at Cameron. We both take our seats and spark up conversation. The whole time out of the corner of my eye, Cam was staring at me in awe. "Hey Jonna, this is Eric, Chris, Noah, Jamie, and Hannah." Cam introduces us to the other people at the table. I smile and wave and they break into a chorus of hey's, hi's, and hello's. We talk for a while, well they talk I type and we share a few laughs.

"Hey, you guys want to come over my house today and watch movies with us?" Cam asks. Joanna and I both nod. "Jonna what do you like to do for fun?" Eric asks. Before I can type a reply Joanna takes my phone and answers for me. "He likes to listen to music, we penny board together, and I kick his ass at COD. Oh yeah and he likes to suck on lollipops." she says nonchalantly and giggles at the end. I slap her arm, hard, while everyone laughs except for Noah he just seems lost sitting there with a look of utter confusion on his face. How was he in honors geometry..?I grab my phone and type "I do not suck lollipops but, I am gay. Joanna fuck off!" Joanna reads the note out loud and they all laugh again. Once everyone calms down Cam speaks."That's all you're gonna eat, aren't you hungry?" He asks. I shake my head no and shrug, then take a sip of my water but, spit it out and start violently choking when Hannah says "Probably full from all those lollipops." She smirks at the end and I roll my eyes at her and send an icy glare to Joanna. The rest of the day is filled with me being distracted in class by Cam's beautiful face.

*after school*

"Cam's hot right?" Joanna suddenly questions from the passenger seat of my car. I shrug off her question even though in my head I'm like 'I would so love to fuck him upside down.' We arrive to the gigantic house a few blocks from ours and I park my car in the winding drive way. We get out and I do a cheesie knock and the door opens a few minutes later and my eyes bulge. Holy shit, bulge. Damn!


I went to the store and bought a bunch of snacks and ordered a pizza for movie night. I'm so happy Jonna's coming. They were gonna be here soon so I stripped and hopped in the shower. When I had just finished my shower, there was a knock downstairs. I got out and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and jogged down the stairs nearly bussing my ass when my slippery feet skipped a step. My parents were working late so I had the house to myself. I open the door and my smile grows wide. "Hey guys, sorry I was in the shower." I spoke "We can see that, you look sexy in a towel, right Jonna?" Joanna asks. Jonna blushes and stares at my lower region. I chuckle and wave my hand in front of his face to get his attention. "You know you could take a pic" I say way too cockily. Jonna just blushes more and looks down. "Your adorable when you blush." I coo while letting them in.

By now, he's as red as a tomato and looks anywhere but my face. I show them the screening room and head to my room. I get dressed in boxers and sweats, no shirt it's too hot, plus I want to see if Jonna will stare at me again. The door bell rings again and it's the "pack" and Noah. We all go to the screening room and argue over what movie to watch. Finally we settle on high school musical. I have no idea why a bunch of teenagers, find a musical plot surrounding a bunch of high school kids who break into song frequently, so appealing. Troy Bolton or shall I say Zach Effron is sexy as all mighty though.

When the movie is done, we play 21 questions. I go first. "Jonna" I say and he looks at me. I ask questions like favorite place and stuff like that. On the 20th question I ask "Are you a virgin?" he looks confused, while everyone else laughs. He nods his head yes and I smile. "Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" he again nods yes. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy and anger. I don't know how but the question lingering in my head slips out. "What happened?" his eyes get glossy and he looks down. "Shit, sorry I didn't mean to... " I trail off not knowing what to say. He gets up and runs out the room. I get up to follow him but Joanna grabs my arm. "That's a really sore spot for him" she says. "What happened?" I ask my previous question again. Joanna looks hesitant but answers anyway. "Well..." she starts.


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