Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Mending hearts


After talking last night, everyone slept
in the guest bedrooms, while I slept with Jonna in my room. Well... more like stared at his gorgeous face for hours. He's just so... perfect. Fuck, I got it bad.


I fluttered my eyes open to be met with a blindingly bright light. I wait a minute then open my eyes again and let them adjust to the bright ass light. I try to get up. Key word being try. I look around my surroundings and realization dawns on me this isn't my bedroom. Memories of last night hit me like a brick. Oh no, oh no, shit!

-Cameron's house
-movie night
-21 questions
-panic attack

Everyone must think I'm even more of a freak now. Gosh, I always have to screw up everything. That's probably the reason why Ryan left. My eyes brim with tears, but I refuse to let them fall. Of course with my luck one slips and cascades down my cheek. I remove the covers and there is an arm draped tightly across my waist. I follow the arm up to the body it's connected to and am met with a sleeping cameron. Correction, a freakin' SHIRTLESS Cameron lying next to me. Ain't I lucky? I attempt to pry his arm off but fail miserably.

I try again squirming in his grip, but this time his grip tightens and he pulls me closer to his body. "Stop moving Jonnaaa..." He mumbles out in a sexy groggy voice, drowned in sleep. I have to pee, like really bad! Well, he asked for it. I lick my pointer finger, and put it in his right ear. His eyes fly open and I remove my finger as he jumps and removes his arm. "Did you just give me a wet willy, EWWW!!!" he screeches. I chuckle and get up.

I go to his dresser and pick a random draw and open it. Lucky guess! I smile and grab a pair of sweat pants. I pull my jeans down and pull the sweats on. I totally forgot Cam was behind me, yikes. "Nice ass" he says. I turn around and blush but at the same time I flip him the bird. He laughs while I walk over to a door and open it. Yup, the bathroom. I walk in and shut the door behind me.

After I do my business and wash my hands/face I look up into the vanity. I look gross! I have red, worn puffy eyes. My eyes are a darker, nearly navy blue shade. My cheeks are puffy and have faint tear streaks down them considering I just washed my face with a bit of water. I sigh and open the bathroom door, exiting. Cam is laying across his bed on his phone. "Finally, six years later" he says dramatically.

I laugh and shrug my shoulders. I notice my phone on the nightstand plugged into my charger. I unplug it while Cam makes his way to the bathroom. I flop on the side of the bed and text Joanna and check the time. 8:26 am. Great, up early on a Saturday. (Ps-school started on a Friday incase you were confused). She didn't respond, so I decided to explore the house a bit. I walk out the room seeing the endless hallway with dozens of doors.

I walk down the steps and look at all the cute family portraits lining the staircase walls. I some how make my way to the kitchen and I grab a water out the refrigerator. I shut the fridge, turning around to be met with two adults. I jump and drop the water bottle. I lean down picking it up, casting a warm welcoming smile toward the man and woman. They must be Cameron's parents.

I smile a nervous smile now and look over wide eyed at his mother. They're like freakin' twins! Damn, they look just alike, even the red eyes. "Hello, I'm Carol and this is my husband James. You must be one of Cammy's friends." She coos. I raise an eyebrow and giggle at the adorable nickname while nodding. "Hello" is all his father utters sipping his coffee. I smile again and stick out my hand for his mom and dad to shake. They both shake it. "What's your name? and by the way you are a very handsome young man." Carol states, I blush and take out my phone and type 'hello, it's very nice to meet you both. My name is Jonna. You look very beautiful Mrs.Vade. You literally look exactly like Cammy' I show them the screen and they smile.

"Thank you Jonna, and why are you typing your response?" Mrs. Vade asks, while Mr. Vade raises an eyebrow in question. I quickly type 'I'm mute' and show them. "Oh, sorry for asking sweetheart" Cam's mom says 'its okay :)' I type back. "Well you are a very nice and polite young man, it would be lovely to have you around more often" Mr. Vade states speaking up for the first time. I smile and nod. At that moment Cameron came bounding down the stairs. "Heyo mom, hey pops, I was looking every where for you Jonna." He says while kissing my cheek and grabbing a glass from the cabinet. I blush and look at my phone typing 'sorry went exploring and ended up in the kitchen, when I ran into your parents and we started chatting. They're wonderful cammy' he reads it out loud and groans.

"Mother can you please stop calling me that" he groans out. "Sorry baby" his mom says. I smile and type 'I love it'. Cam rolls his eyes, just then, everyone else comes downstairs. I take a sip of my water but spit it out and start choking to death when my dumb ass sister calls out "Did you and Cam have fun in his bed last--oh hello!" she bows her head and blushes crimson as Cameron pats my back as I die in the middle of the kitchen.

Once I finish dying, "What did you do in his bed last night?" his dad asks curiously. I quickly shake my head no violently nearly giving myself whiplash, while everyone else in the room practically rolls on the kitchen tiles turning red from laughter. I slap cameron on the chest and point to his parents as a way of saying explain. "Nothing happened, we just slept that's all. We're both still virgins." He responds. The guys are now full blown laughing their asses off, while I roll my eyes and his mother raises her eyebrows and his father shakes his head and chuckles.

I drink more of my water and actually get it down this time. "Hey, you must be Cam's mom and dad, I'm Joanna, Jonna's twin sis who is 10x hotter" she states cockily while flipping her hair for emphasis. I laugh and fist pound her and wrap my arm around her shoulders as she takes my water. I groan, she will not give anything back. Guess I'll be thirsty then. We all talk for a while and then his parents had to leave for work.

We all decided to go to Starbucks for breakfast, our natural white girl side coming out. We take two cars- Joanna, Eric, me, and Jamie, in my car and Cameron, Noah, Chris, and Hannah in another. We pull up to Starbucks and get out. I lock my door and roll Cam's sweatpants up at the top. They're literally falling down. We go inside and walk up to the cash register. "What can I get you?" the girl states blandly. After we order we drive back to Cameron's house. I only got an ice tea and a bagel so no one would be suspicious we talk and drink and eat.

"Hey why don't we go swimming in your pool Cam, it's gigantic!" Hannah states everyone agrees. I just stay on my phone, silently hoping nobody will notice I really, really don't want to. "Jonna?" fuck! I shake my head no and go back to my phone. "Come on, pleassssse?" Joanna pleads out. I roll my eyes and nod to get her to shut up.

•30 minutes later•

Cameron had given me a tank top and some swimming trunks, not that I was getting in. I had just purged up my half eaten bagel and half drunking tea. I was laying on a recliner pool chair attempting to tan my pale skin. I was listening to music on my phone with my earbuds in ignoring the world, eyes closed behind a pair of shades when I hear "JONNA!!!" Being screamed. I roll my eyes, taking out my earbuds. Suddenly I'm lifted out of my chair and my tank top is pulled over my head. I try to stop the hand by slapping them harshly but its too late. I look up, its Cameron...


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