Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Kidnappings

(Next day, warning: triggering scenarios, violence, foul language, and other stuff... beware!)


I heard hushed whispers around the, damp, quiet room. I woke up but, couldn't see anything. I could wiggle my fingers but my wrists were bound against the back of the chair I was sitting in. I struggled against the firm gripped rope but, that did nothing. There was something tight piercing my ankles, burning them. They were being rubbed raw as I struggled and I could feel them tearing and gnawing at my skin as blood leaked through my pants legs and down my feet creating a warm, copper-smelling liquid puddle underneath my bare feet.

I whimpered loudly-desperately. I definitely was no longer in the hospital. I decided it was best not to scream, I really didn't want to die today. I whimpered loudly again like a kicked puppy.

'Slap!' "shut up!" Somebody whispered in my ear harshly. I whimper again. 'Slap!' once again. I shut my mouth choking down a hoarse sob. My restricted sight was regained. As I blink my eyes rapidly to get use to the dimly lit room I see a guy. An extremely hot guy. He was positioned in front of me. His green eyes shone, with his body almost a complete silhouette. He had muscles, you could tell by the flexing movements he made through his shirt.

"Well if it isn't the poor alpha's mate" he stated in a gruff voice smirking. I raised one eyebrow and cocked my head in confusion. I looked around-taking in my surroundings. There was a dainty lamp barely shining in the corner of the room and a wide brown, wooden door near the wall farthest from me. It was sort of like a basement or a chamber. There was the lingering smell of blood mixed with... what the hell is that? It smells like freakin' wet dog! Gross! I cringed at the smell.

It's mostly dark in the room but you probably guessed that already and the walls are really damp/moist you could actually see it. I look back at Mr. dashing and dangerous. 'Where am I?' 'Who are you?' I mouth to him. "You, my broken prince are soon to find out." He responds in a deep, monotone voice that gave me involuntary shivers."Your dear alpha mate of the black moon pack will come for you" he continues. 'What the hell are you talking about? Pack... like wolves? What the fuck, are we in twilight or some shit like that?' I mouth once again, stressing my syllables. He chuckles a cold, venom filled chuckle. "The little cocksucker hasn't told you yet has he?" he proclaims. 'Who is 'he' and why am I here, whatever I did, which you fail to tell me, isn't serious enough to lock me down here and tell me some dumb ass riddles you made up' I mouth harshly. He looks taken aback by my sudden outburst, but now I'm pissed.

He picks something up but, I can't make out what the object is in the little light. There is a large 'clash'. Then a huge wave of pain flows to my head and my vision gets blurry. I feel a pounding headache that hurts like a bitch come. The last thing I hear before the darkness engulfs me is murmured whispers from multiple people. The only thing I can think is what did I do to be in this situation?


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