Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The mute boy


I feel a pair of eyes burning into my soul from across the room. I look over and my eyes nearly pop out my head and I nearly fall out of my seat. Across the room is the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen in my 17 years of living.

He has amazing blood red eyes too pale but vibrant to be contacts and this light brown hair that makes me want to run my fingers through it repeatedly and tan skin with delicious muscles. I just nearly died! He's staring at me. I can't help but smile and he does the same back. His teeth are so white and perfect. Don't even get me started on his pink lips that look small but soft, I could kiss em' for hours on end. I turn away before I start drooling. I turn to my sis and she winks at me. Did she see that?!

I'm brought out my rambling thoughts by the teacher speaking. Was he talking the whole time? Damn... I hope it wasn't important. "We're just going to go around the room and get to know each other better, state your name, favorite food, favorite color, and favorite person." uh oh! now everyone will know I'm a mute freak and will start calling me the mute boy! shit! While people start introducing themselves I glance at mr. perfect from earlier and he happens to at the same time glance my way. I look away before he thinks I'm some stalker person who stares at random people.

Next is my sister, she stands and begins "Hi, my name is Joanna Green, my favorite color is green, my favorite food is spaghetti, and my favorite person is my bro." She states and smiles at me and I smile back but, it quickly fades when the teacher states my name. "My brother is umm...umm he's mute" Joanna states voice low and the class is filled with gasps and murmuring gossip between students. "I'm sorry I didn't know, do you mind doing his introduction for him?" the teacher asks "no problem" comes my sisters short reply. "Well, his name is Jonna Green, his favorite food is pizza with mushrooms, his favorite color is silver, and his favorite person is duh! me!" she states way too excitedly and I roll my eyes at her. About 4 more student go and I just block them out and stare at my notebook until an angelic voice speaks as mr. perfect stands.

"My name is Cameron Vade, my favorite color is black, my favorite food is steak I guess, and my favorite person is my best friend Noah even though he's a complete idiot." he states in a low, sexy voice."Hey!" the boy next to him yells and the class breaks out into laughter.


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