Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Shallow breathes


Have you ever not been able to breath but, at the same time you can? Like when you run a mile without stopping and when you get finished there just isn't enough air to breath even though you're surrounded by it. That's how I feel right now. Whenever I think about him or he's mentioned I have a panic attack. I have had them my whole life but they're not that frequent. It's just... I hate that I feel like I love him... like I'm cheating...

I push Cameron away. I get up and start to hyperventilate. I pace back and forth, pulling at my hair, wanting to scream my lungs out so I do. Tears, hot salty tears drip down my face like a freaking waterfall. Everyone is looking at me worried. Concern flashing through their eyes but I don't... no I can't stop. "Oh my god, he's having another panic attack!" Joanna yells while her and everyone else rush over to me.

A hand is placed on my shoulder and I scream at the top of my lungs and the person jumps at the high pitched noise then removes their hand. I fall to the ground balling my eyes out and yelling like a 1 year old. My wrist and the cuts over my stomach began to itch with a burning sensation; the only thing being able to soothe them is my razor but, I fight the urge. I'm pulled into someone's arms and I pull at my hair like a maniac, struggling to escape the person's tight grip.

I lay like that for a while calming myself. I'm now silently crying. I release my hair and wrap my arms around the person's defined torso. I look up and am met with vibrant pale red eyes filled with concern, care, and love? I just sit there staring. I can't help it, Cam's eyes are so captivating. I have almost a longing for his sweet scent and his hypnotizing eyes. And that terrifies me, so I pull out of my trance and look around the surrounding area. Everyone is gazing at me with concern and worry evident in their eyes. I pull my knees to my chest and close my eyes. I snuggle more into Cam's chest and his grip tightens in a possessive manner. I open my eyes and look at the floor. I'm so tired after freaking out like that. My eye lids start to grow heavier until I give in and let darkness consume me.


Wow. That's all I can manage to think, I mean Jonna just had a fucking panic attack because of that dick Ryan. When I find him, I'm gonna rip his throat out and my wolf actually agrees. "I'm gonna take him to my room so he can sleep." I say and everyone nods. I stand with Jonna in my arms, he's as light as a feather I can't help but notice. I carry him to my room and place him on my bed and tuck in my duvet. He's so cute when he sleeps. I kiss his forehead and walk out the room closing the wooden door behind me softly. My wolf howls in my head in disapproval of us leaving our mate but, I ignore him and continue my way down the steps.

Once I reach the screening room I ask a very obvious question. "What just happened?" Joanna replies:"Ever since Jonna was 5 he has had panic attacks. Ryan and I have been the only people able to calm him. Not even his best friends or mom and dad have been able to. I guess Cameron can too." I grown and cringe at the mention of Ryan's name while clenching my fists. 'Dude calm down' Chris says through the pack mind link. 'I can't how dare he hurt my mate, when I find him I'm gonna rip his throat out and feed his body to the rogues' I reply in my mind 'Cam, calm down before you do something you'll regret later on' Eric thinks. I close my eyes and count to 15 then open them and clench and unclench my fists and teeth repeatedly.

I sigh and sit on the couch. Everyone follows. "Ryan really fucked him up. If I ever see him again, I'll punch him in the face and kick him in his baby maker" Joanna states and everyone laughs except me. My mind is running a mile a minute thinking about Jonna and how I can make him fall for me.

What Joanna said Jonna wrote replays in my mind like a broken record 'I'll never love again. It just leads to pain. I'm broken and can't be fixed' Don't worry Jonna, I'll fix you and love you forever. You are my soul mate after all. I smile as my mind fills with Jonna's beautiful face. I'll do anything to fix him...


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