Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Revelations part 1


It was early in the morning and I needed to clear my head. So, I did what I always do, I put in my earphones, throw on some sweat pants and go for a jog.

I began down the side walk after telling my parents. Later on we were going to bring Jonna home, I'm so happy he's okay.

*35 minutes later*

I jogged through the woods, my breath coming out in short pants. I took out my earphone in my right ear, but didn't stop. I heard a very inhumane growl and immediately stopped in my tracks. Fuck! I hope there aren't wolves in these woods. I continued walking, very aware of my surroundings. I jinxed it, there was a huge black wolf with a brown stripe down its back. It must have noticed my presence because it turned to the side sniffing the air but, still had its back to me. Right before my eyes, the huge ass wolf turned into a tan, muscular, teenage boy. Not any ordinary wolf boy in Hollister boxers but, Cameron...

(I was gonna stop there but I decide to continue when I realized the last chapters have been short so here you go!)

I stood there wide eyed. I sucked in a sharp, rasped breathe. Cameron Vade is a werewolf. Okay, this is normal... NOT! I thought teen wolf was just a show but, damn its real! Wait till Jonna finds out. Oh my god, Jonna! He's so gonna freak. I hear my phone ring. Really at a time like this?! Wow its my mom. I answer never taking my eyes off half naked Cam. "Hey" I say enthusiastically.

"Joanna where are you?! I called you a bunch of times. You left over an hour ago, I was starting to get worried." She states rushed. "Sorry mom, I was on my daily jog when I bumped into Cameron. Then we started jogging together. I'm sorry I didn't answer." I state blankly. "Okay, please come home I have to tell you something." it's not until now that I notice she's sniffling, apparently so did Cameron because he walked over to me after putting on his shorts. "Mom, whats wrong?" I ask worriedly. "It-it's Jonna, he's been k...k...kidnapped from the hospital." she stutters out then bursts out in shaky sobs. "What?" Cameron and I whisper at the same time-both of our voices barely audible.


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