Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Hospital beds


Oh my god. Jonna just passed out. They called the ambulance and he is currently being put on a gurney right now. Cameron was freaking out, screaming like a fucking banshee about it being his fault because he put pressure on him and shit like that. Honestly that's a bunch of bullshit. Jonna has been having this problem for years.

I walk over to the ambulance but some bullshitting paramedic stops me. "Who are you? Nobody allowed on the ambulance but the paramedics and immediate family" the paramedic states. "Excuse me dipshit, but that's my twin brother on that truck. I'm Joanna Green, Jonna Green's sister... so move the fuck out the way." I retort back sassily. I'm already pissed off, but now I'm over the edge, I push him aside and hop on the truck.

*At the hospital*

My parents just got here and Cameron, Noah, and Eric skipped school to see him. "How is he? Is he okay? Is he in a coma? Oh my god, he can't die! What did the doctor say? Where the hell is he?!" Cam rushes out to my parents. "Okay, 1-who the hell are you? and 2- you need to calm down" my dad booms. I run over to Cam and hug him and sob into his chest--soaking the front of his shirt.

After about 5 minutes of crying in his chest, I pull away and Cameron wipes my tear stained cheeks. I turn to my parents, "Mom and dad this is Cameron, our friend from school who's house we stayed at the other day. We've all become very close." I state sniffling a bit. "He seems like more than a friend" my mom states suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows. "Okay, 1:Ewww, Cam! gross, never- no offense Cameron. 2: he's gay. 3: he's into Jonna. And 4: dad if you don't stop killing Cameron with your glare!" I state, slightly raising my voice.

My parents looked shocked at my statements. "I know how can a dude like Cam be gay." (Btw I'm not trying to offend anyone who may be a gay person everyone is beautiful in there own ways ;) ) Cam and I laugh and fist pound which turns into an explosion.

*1 hour 13 minutes later*

"Jonna Green" a woman in scrubs calls out and all of us stand. Me and Cameron race to the doctor and I beat him. I turn and we stick our tongues out at one another. I turn back to the doctor. "He just woke up. Just a warning; he has IVs in his arms. And has not eaten in awhile for some reason. That is why he passed out. He had already been weak from lack of food consumption and then the panic attack took all his bodies energy. His body was too weak to function and shut itself down. You all may go in. Please keep him calm and don't stress him out."

We all nod and walk to the room, I open the door and smile when I see his pale figure watching the small black television playing spongebob.We all walk in and he turns to us and smiles. After we all give him hugs and say hello, we sit down in the chairs strewn across the white room but me being me, I lay in bed with him I can't help it. I hand him his cellphone and he mouths a thanks. "Now you can't go anywhere and are forced to answer all our questions. When it comes to you laying in a hospital bed, its serious" I state with a frown as tears fall from my eyes. He nods not meeting my gaze, looking around with guilt.

"Why haven't you eaten in days?" my mother says full out crying.

'I wasn't hungry' he types back

"Cut the bullshit Jonna, have you forgotten that everyone in this room loves and cares for you and you're lying to our faces and acting like a dick!" I yell at him, now in hysterics. A couple tears fall from his eyes. "Joanna that was not necessary, apologize!" my mom scolds, sniffling. "It was necessary" Jonna mouths. "Sorry" I grumble out. He just pulls me into a hug. I lean into his embrace as we continue our interrogation.

"The truth" Eric states with concern in his eyes.

'Because I'm fat and if I eat I'll just get fatter' he types

"Jonna have you seen yourself in the mirror? Dude you look like the skeleton in my science class" Noah says. "You need to eat" my father states.

'I'm anorexic' is all he types but, only shows it to me. I crack, and shatter right there. All my pint up feelings and tears come out in waves and I crawl into Jonna's lap and pull him close and wrap my arms around his torso, being cautious of his IVs I pull the sheets down and lift up his gown thingy. (Don't worry he has on sweats lol) I lift it slowly and my mother and father gasp. Tears welling up in my fathers eyes as he pulls my hysteric mother into his chest.

"I won't tell them if you don't want me to. But, they'll find out" I whisper and he nods. "What are all those cuts?" my father asks before Jonna can type, I sit up and pull them out my back pocket. Everyone looks at it with sad, depressed, worried, horrid, perplexed looks on their faces.

I hold a medium sized ziplock bag with about 9 razors in it, some clean, some with dried blood.


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