Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Broken boy's story


"Well it all started 4 years ago..." I sigh then continue on "Jonna told me he met this guy at Starbucks. Yup he told me, he used to talk. Well, he was so excited and said the boy, Ryan, asked him on a date at this pizza place. They got along well and he was really cute. About 2 months later, they started dating. They fell in love instantly, they were inseparable. They dated for nearly 3 years and every minute Jonna was happy. About 1
year ago, Jonna came home screaming and crying, he wouldn't tell us what was wrong but, he showed me. Turns out Ryan left Jonna a note that said 'I'm sorry. I have to go. I love you.' And that was it. That very day Jonna stopped talking altogether. He didn't laugh or smile. Little did we know that was the last we'd hear of his voice for awhile. About 3 weeks after Ryan left, I found a note in Jonna's room in his perfect cursive that read 'All the pain is too much to handle. I loved him with all my heart and he just left. I will never love again. It just leads to pain. I'm broken and will never be fixed. ' I broke out crying right there and then. I had lost my brother because of a stupid boy who left him. He used to have a glint of a sparkle in his eyes and when we were together his eyes would light up but, now he built up a brick wall. I try with all my might to break it down but, as I knock a brick down it builds itself back up. " I finish the story and I'm crying now. Jamie and Chris pull me into a tight embrace while I sob my heart out. Hiccups and choked gurgles finding their way out my mouth with every salty tear. I miss my brother, even though his presence was always there, he himself was never there.


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