Chapter 19

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A/n: last chapter :)

Chapter 19: The horrible return


"Jonna oh my god" Ryan states pulling me into a hug. (If you don't know who Ryan is refer back to chapter 6) I stay there frozen incapable of moving. Almost 8 months. "I missed you so much, I'm sorry for leaving. Please forgive me. I still love you." Bam! There it is, I'm broken, shattered. I start hyperventilating and everyone comes into the room.

I push Ryan away and let the tears pool over. He can't be back, not now! I pull at my hair and scream. He puts a hand on my shoulder and I flinch away. "Jonna, calm down. Who's this?" Cameron attempts to soothe me but its not working. "Cam, that's Ryan." Jonna mumbles and all hell breaks loose. In a second Cameron is throwing Ryan into the wall. "You're the dick who hurt my mate?!" he growls out and punches Ryan in the face. A loud crack sounds as Cameron's fist comes in contact with Ryan's face.

I drop to the floor trying to calm my breathing. Noah and Chris pull Cameron away from Ryan and Hannah, Jamie, and Joanna try to calm me down. I look over at Ryan and see crimson blood pouring from his nose that was at an odd angle. And of course at that very moment my mom and dad walk into the house. My mom gasps and drops all the groceries with a gasp. My dad helps Ryan to the couch while my mom gets the med kit and some paper towels.

*30 minutes laterrrr*

We all are currently sitting on the couches in my living room. Me, Joanna, Jamie, Cameron, Chris, Hannah, Noah, mom, dad, and Ryan. I just stare straight ahead. Maybe I'm sleeping and this is all a nightmare that'll be over soon. It's dead silent. "Care to explain what happened" my mom states calmly. Oh no... that means she's about to flip her shit in 3...2...1... "Somebody answer because there is a large blood stain on my newly polished white marble tile!!" she explodes.

Joanna explains the whole story from me opening the door to this point. "Well I think... I don't even know." my father states. "You kids work this out without fists, and violence but with words. And Ryan you're lucky it wasn't me in Cameron's place because you would've had a lot worst then a broken nose." My mother states nonchalantly and they stand and leave the room. I look at Ryan and he's staring at me with pleading eyes. "I have a boyfriend" I state and everyone gasps.

My voice is extremely hoarse from not using it for so long. I forgot what my voice even sounds like. Joanna cries into my shoulder. She looks at Ryan and starts to speak. "Did you hear that? I haven't heard that voice in nearly a year because of you! You can't just waltz in here and change everything. I hate you, more than anyone I have ever hated in my 17 years in this fucked up world!" she sobs-a loud strangled sob at that.

"Jonna please! I love you so much and I know you love me too. Give me another chance please!" Ryan begs, hurt flashing through his eyes. "It will never be the same! I'm so stupid because I let you affect me and my life! I stopped talking completely for no reason. I'm sorry but I can't love someone who hurts me. My heart literally ached because you left but, now I found people who care about me and love me and I'm not letting you ruin that by coming back into my life. I told you, I have a boyfriend." I state tears pouring down my cheeks like mini waterfalls. "Please!" he begs. "I'm sorry" I whisper. He gets up and leaves.

"I'm sorry guys. I shouldn't have let him affect me like he did. I was selfish and in my own world of pain. Can you guys forgive me?" I state shakily, my palms sweating. Everyone smiles and nods. "I missed your voice." Joanna states smiling and pulling me into a hug. "Me too" I mumble into her shirt.

"Oh yeah, Jonna how the hell can you walk and where's your cast?!" my mother yells

We all burst into laughter.

»»»»The End««««


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