Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Twin freak outs

A/n: crazy chapter! Warning: triggering scenarios if you may be affected do not read this chapter.


I'm not sad. I'm not disappointed either. At this point I don't know what I am.

I can't believe I didn't realize sooner he was doing this. Jonna just stares wide eyed. I laugh a bitter laugh dripping in venom. I throw the bag as hard as I can with all my force at the mirror across the room, and it shatters to pieces. Shards of all sizes falling to the floor. I push Jonna away and grab cam's car keys on the bedside table. I run out to the car, people shouting my name behind me. I get in his car and drive, just drive. Thinking...

*2 hours 10 minutes later*

I just pulled up to the hospital. After my drive, I filled the tank and bought dunkin' donuts. I'm calm now. I grab the coffees and walk in. I tell the receptionist where I'm going and she says okay. Everyone has been calling and texting nonstop. I walk in and everyone immediately looks at me. I shut the door and toss cam his keys. He catches them. "Nice catch and I filled your tank." I state smiling. He replies with a thanks. I sit the cups down. "I got everyone their favorite" and I hand it to them all.

I grab my medium coffee coo latté with extra whip cream and hop on bed with Jonna. I noticed the mirror is still broken but, the pieces are picked up. "Where the hell were you?!" my mom shouts. I take a long sip of my coffee then swallow. "I went for a drive, then filled Cameron's car with gas, then got dunkin' donuts for you guys." I reply blankly. "You are in big trouble, you realize we were all worried sick about you" I giggle loudly. Shots have been fired! "Its funny because you were worried about me when you have an anorexic son who hasn't eaten for a week, and who cuts himself and is currently sitting in a hospital bed because he passed out from lack of food consumption and a panic attack." I state smiling and taking a sip of my coffee.

I continue "are you still worried about me? By the way I was wearing my seatbelt." Everyone looks shocked. "If I were you, I would be worried about your son." I say bluntly. Jonna looks pissed. "Aw, why are you mad mr. grumpy pants, because I told your big secret? If anyone should be mad it should be me. The girl with an anorexic twin who cuts himself and is mute. Someone please put my ass on lifetime cause' thats what this is turning into!" I say in a singsong voice. Jonna looks down embarrassed. I smile. "Joanna! enough of that its useless making your brother feel bad. He already feels horrible, you're grounded- 2 weeks". I laugh coldly.

"He's not sorry and he doesn't feel bad at all." I say looking at Jonna then continuing "he deserves and needs to hear this. I truly pity him because he has an amazing family who loves him and a bunch of friends but, he doesn't care at all. He takes advantage, and abuses that privilege. Trust me when I say he doesn't feel bad and won't stop doing it. I know my twin." I say taking another long sip.

"Jonna just because I'm telling you the truth doesn't mean I love you any less you just need to jump back into reality. And when I see Ryan, I'm going to cut his balls off and tape them to the wall for breaking your heart" I say smiling. Jonna looks up at me and smiles a sad smile back at me. "I love you Jo-bear" I tell him. "I love you too" he mouths back to me and we embrace. "By the way cameron is different, you should give him a chance he's not like Ryan". I say smiling and winking at Cameron.

Jonna smiles and nods at me."You're welcome!" I yell to cameron. We talk for a bit then a doctor comes in. "Hello, visiting hours are over. I'm sorry, but Jonna will be able to leave tomorrow. He also can return to school in about 2 days" the doctor says. "Thank you and can I speak to you in private please?" I ask sweetly and the doctor nods looking a little confused. Everyone hugs Jonna and leaves. I tell my parents that ill be at the car in a minute. "Can you please talk to my parents about prescribing Jonna with some anti-depressants?" I ask. "Okay ill talk to your parents tomorrow" he replies. "Thank you so much and have a nice day" I state and walk away.


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