1. A Glimmer of Starlight

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A/N: All main characters that would be under 18 canonically will be 18 in this story to make the romance less weird, and I know Lucas is the Sinnoh guy's name, just bear with me. More details at the end of the chapter. Enjoy kthx :P:P:P
Lucas let out a sigh sitting in his new room. Moving from Kanto to the Alola region wasn't easy, but he and his mother did it. On top of moving to a whole new region, this was also the day he officially became a Pokemon Trainer, since he turned 18 just days before moving day. He was expecting to get a message from Professor Kukui, the Alolan Pokemon Professor, at any moment, then he would be ready to go get his first Pokemon. Should've been an exciting day, yet Lucas was having a hard time getting up from his desk chair. The lack of motivation was not unfounded. He's always been this way. Awkward and afraid to talk to people.

Breaking his train of thought, his computer rang with a notification. The professor was calling him. Psyching himself up, he put on a smile and answered. Onscreen, the professor himself faded in.

"Hang on, now. Gimme just a sec..." Professor Kukui said, adjusting his camera. "Hey there! Good afternoon! So the day has finally come that you're moving to Alola! Alola is a region made up of several islands. That could be the reason the region is chock full of nothin' but rare Pokemon, yeah! There's no shortage of cool Pokemon out here in Alola, either! Such mysterious creatures!" Kukui took out a poke ball and chucked it up to release a Rockruff standing in the foreground of the shot. "You find 'em all over. In the grass, in the caves, in the sky and sea. Here in Alola we love our Pokemon, and we depend on them heaps, too. Some of us even battle with 'em, if we call ourselves Pokemon Trainers! Rockruff! Can you wait until I'm done talkin' to play?!" Rockruff gave a nod before jumping offscreen. "All right, I gotta ask you some questions about yourself so I can introduce you to everybody! So your name is Lucas, correct? That's a name that hits you like a Thunderbolt outta the sky! Woo! Smile for the camera and I'll take a picture for your Trainer Passport!" Lucas forced smiled for the camera, and the picture taken was presented onscreen. "Should I use this photo?" Kukui asked. Lucas nodded, and Kukui smiled. "10-4, good buddy! I'll let everybody out here know you're on your way. Can't wait to see you in person then, cousin!" Professor Kukui gave a wave before hanging up the call.

As soon as the professor disappeared from his screen, Lucas regressed to his usual state. Slouching in his desk chair, wondering what he could do to talk to anyone. Back in Kanto, any time he tried to talk to anyone, they would just look at him weirdly and walk away. Especially if they were girls that he had a crush on. Some people came and went, but it mostly came down to children of his mother's friends resulting in a "blind date" of sorts, being forced to hang out, which almost always ended awkwardly. Having practically no real friends for his whole life really ate away at his self-esteem. It

Lucas took a deep breath, looking around at his room at all the boxes. A new region. A new start. A new life about to start for him. Perhaps Alola would be the place for him to finally thrive and make some friends.

Interrupting his train of thought, their Meowth came in and started beckoning at him.

"What is it, Meowth?" Lucas asked. "Does mom want me to help with boxes?" Meowth nodded, and Lucas sighed. "Okay, I'll be right out." Lucas pat Meowth on the head, making it smile, before it left his room. Lucas got up and stretched left his room to see his mom hard at work.

"There he is," his mother said. "Did Professor Kukui call you?"

"Yeah," Lucas said. "I figured I could head out after I helped."

"Oh no, if he contacted you, you should go right away!" his mother said. "I'm sure you're pumped to meet some Alolan Pokemon?"

"Yeah... I guess," Lucas said, rubbing the back of his head.

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