12. Trial By Stone

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The Diglett Tunnel: Lucas's next obstacle that stood between him and Konikoni City, the hometown of Kahuna Olivia. Stories from Kanto about the Diglett Cave made Lucas apprehensive; Diglett using their special ability to prevent trainers from escaping until defeated in battle made any trainer cautious when entering. It would be good training for his Pokemon, however. To that end, he took out two specific team members: Steenee and Pelipper.

"Alright, you two," Lucas said. "You're gonna be my aces against Kahuna Olivia, who uses Rock-types, so I'm gonna get you warmed up in this Diglett Tunnel. It's gonna be rough, but it'll be good practice. You two ready?"

Steenee and Pelipper both cried with determination, making Lucas smile. Steenee climbed up on Lucas's back while Pelipper hovered nearby. With a deep breath, Lucas walked inside. Even before entering he felt the ground rumbling. Upon his first steps onto the dark dirt, the rumbling became more intense. He could hear the cries of Diglett all around him, making him tense. Steenee and Pelipper seems unbothered, though. That would most likely change once they realized how dangerous Diglett can be. As he walked further inside, he was surprised to see the kahuna herself speaking to people who reminded him of those Aether workers who gave him Snowflake. Lucas approached just as the Aether workers walked away, and Olivia turned around just in time to see him.

"Oh! Hello, Lucas," Olivia said.

"Hi, Kahuna Olivia," Lucas said.

"Oh, please. Just call me Olivia," she said with a smile. "The title just intimidates people."

"Alright. Olivia it is," Lucas said.

"This cave is really something, y'know?" Olivia said. "Mediocre trainers can't even get through with all the Diglett in here. They've been getting out of hand, lately."

"Diglett are dangerous back in Kanto. There's an entire cave named after them there too," Lucas said. "I'm hoping Steenee and Pelipper will tear though it, though." Steenee and Pelipper cried in agreement.

Just then, a Diglett popped out of the ground deeper in the cave. It seemed to study Lucas as Rotom came out for analysis.

"Wait... what are those hairs on that Diglett's head?" Lucas asked. "The Diglett back in Kanto don't have those."

Diglett. Ground-Steel-type. The need to dig through volcanic rock in the ground has made them more powerful than the Diglett of other regions.

"Another Alolan variety, huh?" Lucas said, to which Olivia nodded.

"These Diglett can be powerful in numbers," Olivia said. "And there's no shortage of numbers in here. They can't trap trainers like their Kantonian counterparts, but they made up for it by being hardier."

"Good to know," Lucas said. "It'll still be good training for Steenee and Pelipper here."

"Indeed. Speaking of which, how's your island challenge going?" Olivia asked. "Let me see which crystals you've earned."

Lucas presented his amulet to Olivia, who grinned when she saw all three of Akala Island's crystals.

"Ooh, look at you, Lucas! Lana's, Kiawe's, and even Mallow's Z-Crystals!" Olivia said. "How much trouble did they give you?"

"Well, they were all pretty tough, but I had Steenee to carry my team through Lana's trial and Pelipper for Kiawe's. Mallow's was the hardest, I'd say. I had to fight three Pokemon at once, and the Totem Pokemon nearly did my Torracat in."

"You sound like the real deal," Olivia said. "I think it's about time you and I had some fun."

"I was actually coming to find you just now," Lucas said. "I guess we'll have to see if I'm the 'real deal'. I thought Kahuna Hala would be easy with my Ralts, and I was wrong."

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