3. Starting On the Wrong Foot

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A/N: Before we get started, I need to explain something. I had to quickly change something before we got in too deep. If you've reread the story recently, you might've noticed the protagonist's name has been changed. That's because Brendan is the name of a guy I HATE irl, and every time I see his name, his ugly face pops in my head. I don't want to think about that douchebag getting a girl as precious as Lillie (he couldn't get her anyways). So before we get much further into the story, I changed the protagonist's name.

***His name is now LUCAS (the Sinnoh guy)***

Thanks for understanding. That's the only change. One more thing, all Pokedex entries are canon, taken from pokemondb. Okay, thanks, and enjoy ch3. Kthxbye :P:P:P


The sunset filled the festival sky with fire. Laughter and music created a perfect atmosphere for a celebration in the town center, but Lucas barely noticed any of it. All he could see was Lillie, standing there in front of him. Her smile gleamed brighter than the setting sun, and her eyes more brilliant than the fiery sky. Lucas gave her a smile, and her cheeks reddened.

She's so pretty when she's shy.

The music began to slow down and couples began dancing with each other around the wooden stage. Feeling his face heat up, he slowly approached Lillie.

"H-Hi, Lillie," Lucas said.

"Hello," Lillie said, playing with her braids.

"Y-You look very pretty," Lucas said.

Lillie's face got redder. "Aw... thank you."

"Hey, um... d-do you maybe want to... um... dance? W-With me?" Lucas asked, holding his hand to her.

Lillie gasped, and her smile got bigger. "Oh, Lucas... Of course. I would love to."


"Nnnngh!" Lucas flinched, snapping back to reality. He leaned over and haphazardly slapped his alarm clock to get it to shut up. A long sigh followed the clock's silence. He just couldn't get Lillie out of his head. She was all he thought about. But how could he think about anything else when Lillie was so beautiful? After that dream, all he could think about was slow dancing with her. He smiled at the thought of holding her close and looking right into her gorgeous green eyes. His heart fluttered thinking about her leaning her head on his chest. Maybe as he looked into her eyes... it would lead to a... kiss? He shuddered at the thought of kissing Lillie.

C'mon, Lucas. You think she would ever want to kiss you?

Honestly, Lucas wasn't sure if she would want to kiss him or not. It seemed like they would've almost kissed last night if Nebby hadn't interrupted them.

Be careful, Lucas. Don't get obsessed with her. Don't scare off such an awesome girl.

Rubbing his eyes, he sat up to see Litten still sleeping next to him. He smiled, remembering that his new life began yesterday. A chance to not be a total loser. Starting today, it was his turn to finally be something.

On top of being his first day as a trainer, he had the festival to look forward to later. Mostly he was looking forward to seeing Lillie. Maybe he could make his dream a reality. Looking at his clock, he could see that it was 9:30 AM. Usually quite early for him, but he set his alarm for a reason. He needed an early start if he wanted to make the most of his first official day. Summoning all the energy he could, he slowly got out of bed and headed for the shower. He wasn't sure when he would be able to take one in the future after starting his journey.

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