10. Rapid Fire Battles

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The smell of saltwater lingered on Lucas's skin as he strolled through Route 4 and through Paniola Town to his next trial, bringing back fond memories of last night.

Lillie... such a wonderful time he shared with her at Brooklet Hill. Quality time with her was a perfect way to celebrate clearing the Water trial. A peaceful night under the stars swimming, talking, and flirting with her. And kissing her... so much kissing... he just couldn't help himself. How could he when Lillie looked so hot in her bikini? Perhaps the fact that she was so cute and innocent made her even hotter. The dress she normally wore showed off her cute figure well on its own, but he never imagined her body would be that sexy. She would have guys going crazy for her if she ever went to the beach wearing her swimsuit.

Of course, they couldn't have Lillie, because she was his. It filled him with pride to think about walking down the beach with her, holding her hand, leering at any guy who ogled her. He'd show off his hand interlaced with hers, smirking and showing that she was taken.

Lucas thought about how angelic she looked lying back on her towel in the sand. How the moonlight made her wet, glistening skin glow... how the night sky created star fields in her beautiful eyes... how her soaked, glimmering hair formed a brilliant crown of silver and gold around her face... how her smile twinkled brighter than the stars... how perfect, sexy, and ethereal she looked. Lucas almost didn't feel worthy to be with her, looking like a goddess bathing in the moonlight. His heart fluttered thinking about kissing her in that state of divinity. Pure euphoria as her soft, candy lips meshed with his so seamlessly, further amplified by her warm tears of joy drenching his face and blissful moans. So intense... and so amazing. Making out with such a beautiful girl on the beach was only a product of Lucas's fantasies until last night, but his imagination came nowhere close to the sensation of reality.

He needed to think of an excuse to take her swimming again. Last night was too much fun. But for now, he needed to continue his island challenge. According to Lana, the Water captain, the next trial would be Fire, supervised by a captain named Kiawe. Looking at Rotom's map, it was down Route 6 past Paniola Town, and through a place called Royal Avenue.

Reaching the edge of Paniola Town, Lucas was met with a long, straight stretch of road flanked by oak and palm trees. It was the first time he couldn't see the ocean, but that didn't make the route any less beautiful. On his left, he could see a white archway. That must've been the entrance to Royal Avenue.


Lucas turned around to see the two cyborg-like people he met back in Melemele Meadow on the last island: Dulse and Zossie.

"Greetings," Dulse said, giving Lucas a robotic Alolan wave along with Zossie.

"Um... hi," Lucas said. He still wasn't quite sure about these two. "What are you guy up to?"

"Continuing our research of aura, as well as the Alolan Pokemon," Dulse said. "They're very interesting. They're all so unique."

"We came across some trees that were actually Pokemon in disguise," Zossie said. "I totally thought they were just plants!"

"Ah, yes. Those must have been the Pokemon known as Sudowoodo," Dulse said. "A most interesting Pokemon. I wish I could research them further. They must've been mimicking plant life to avoid their weakness-water. These Alolan Pokemon are truly fascinating but battling them is not easy. So... I challenge you with one we are accustomed to... Poipole!"

Lucas flinched when Dulse pulled out a peculiar-looking Pokeball.

"Whoa... right now?" Lucas said.

Zossie sighed. "I knew it... you can't just challenge people like that! I'm sorry, Mister Trainer, but do you think a battle would be okay?"

Lucas chuckled. "You're good. I guess a battle would be fine."

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