13. The Aether Foundation

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How did Lucas not notice the Hano Grand Resort before? This place was gigantic! Charizard deposited him, he needed to take a second to marvel at his surroundings. The outside area was split into quadrants of crystal-clear water by with palm trees and bushes flanking the pathways. A white stone awning jutted out from the entrance of the hotel onto a beautiful, cream-colored paving with marble bridges extending out to either side, connecting the resort to Heahea City. Of course, the outside vista was nothing compared to the hotel complex itself. It consisted of a colossal middle tower, about half as tall as a skyscraper, flanked by two smaller-girth towers of similar height, and further flanked by two middle-sized towers, decorated all around with palm trees, fountains, flags, and perfectly-trimmed hedges. There was even a small harbor in the rear of the immediate area. It definitely looked like a place for the wealthy and privileged; someone like that Aether Foundation guy.

This place must look amazing at night. Lucas could already picture how they would light the area up when the sun went down.

However, there were more pressing matters at hand than ogling the surroundings. Curiosity was clawing at his mind to see what this "wonderous place" was that the Aether guy mentioned.

Lucas entered the building, and even the interior was a sight to behold. The entire space echoed with the relaxing sound of rushing water coming from the waterfall behind the reception desk as well as twin fountains flanking the entrance. More Alolan foliage decorated the foyer with pristine granite flooring engraved with leaves and branches, and a big red carpet ran through the center. Windows as tall as the room itself offered a dazzling view of the outside world, complete with big red couches set up everywhere so one could be comfortable while gawking at the view. The room was filled with, as expected, people who looked like they had money to burn, and even those who seemed excited to be visiting such an exotic region. It made Lucas feel lucky that he lived here now.

And as promised, the Aether guy was waiting right in the center of the room, just as he said. Hard to miss with those green spectacles as big as his entire face and rather pompous work uniform, especially compared to the other Aether worker he was with a while back. Upon seeing Lucas, he seemed to stand firm, trying to look more regal than he actually did.

"So, you've come at last," he said.

"Um... so I have?" Lucas said. Weird way to start a conversation.

"Forgive me, I haven't introduced myself yet," he said. "You may call me Faba."

"Nice to meet you, Faba," Lucas said.

"Indeed," Faba said. "Now then, I promised to show you someplace astounding, right? Well, that place is none other than Aether Paradise!"

"Aether Paradise?" Lucas asked.

Faba nodded. "A veritable paradise for Pokemon, floating far out in the Alolan sea. It is an artificial island made for the sole purpose of protecting Pokemon!"

"I've never seen anything like that out there," Lucas said. "Not even when we were first moving in."

"I'm not surprised. When I say far out into the Alolan sea, I mean very far out," Faba said. "I am a man of my word, so I will prove to you that all I have said is the truth with a tour of Aether Paradise. You will come, won't you?"

"Wow, that's very nice of you," Lucas said. "I think I'm down."

Faba smiled. "Good, good. Then you'll come with me. Aether Paradise will amaze you."

"Wait! Take me, too!"

Lucas looked behind him to see Hau running up, followed by Olivia and Professor Kukui.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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