♡ Introduction ♡

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I can't tell you exactly when it happened..

But at some point in my early life, I fell madly in love with the ocean.

It was so instant that I barely even noticed myself falling. As life slowly but customarily separated us, my body began to yearn for the water. I longed to remain on the beach each day I spent there, my thoughts of surfing consuming me when we were apart.

But I would always find a way to make time to surf. It was my everything. And moreover, it was inevitable.

Every scant detail mesmerised me, from the feeling of drifting above the ocean's waves so freely, to being submerged beneath its surface, enveloped completely in its cold but welcoming embrace..

I've been surfing all my life, but only began to truly appreciate the water for all it was worth in recent years. After my father passed away. He taught me to surf the way I do today.

I still fondly remember running along the beach, surfboards in hand as we sprinted so desperately towards the water. We would spend all day surfing till the stars were out, and then lay sprawled across our boards to gaze at the sky, the water gently rocking us from side to side with each passing wave.

I think of him from time to time. Sometimes I can feel his overbearing presence as I dive into the water, his voice resounding in my subconscious as past memories of us laughing and splashing about replayed in my mind like a broken record on repeat. His voice would call out to me, urging me to return to the surface to breathe. And I always would, gasping for air, scanning the water around me in search of the source. Only to be greeted by the lulling sound of the waves crashing against the shore in the distance, gently soothing me back to reality.

He's my inspiration. My reason for surfing to begin with. Yet my love for the ocean felt almost natural to me. Most teens my age admire the latest fashion icons and movie stars, handsome boys and popular girls, but I made the unconscious decision to choose the sea to pour all my admiration into. I had no say in this choice as I was drawn to it from day one, but I didn't dare argue with it. I accepted it, embracing it, using it to my advantage with each passing day. Surfing like there was no tomorrow, always improving myself.

I firmly believed that I would never love anything else so strongly, so longingly. Until the day I met my perfect match.

Jotaro Kujo..

I never could have imagined that fate would have the power to bring us together.. Two people of such different yet similar lifestyles; A brooding badboy with a tough exterior and passion for marine life, versus a reserved surfer girl with an unconditional love for the ocean.

But fate works in such mysterious ways..

And so begins the story between two unlikely characters, a mismatch moulded to perfection based on their mutual respect for the water and its inhabitants..

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