✧ Chapter 19 ✧

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(Y/n) = Your name
(S/n) = Surname / last name
(E/c) = Eye colour
(S/c) = Skin colour / skin tone
(H/c) = Hair colour
(H/l) = Hair length


"Alright, this is where we part ways." It was early in the morning. Too early. The dark circles underneath both Kakyoin and Jotaro's eyes were the dead giveaway that they weren't used to waking up at such an early hour. "Just follow the plan, and I'll see you in class."

With a simple thumbs up for support, he walked away, headed in the direction of the school once he knew Jotaro was going to go ahead with their second plan of action. If he didn't accompany him to (Y/n)'s doorstep, he knew that he would've simply given up and not bothered to try out of nervousness.

Jotaro's gaze shifted towards the doorway, and he silently hoped that Kakyoin was right about her mother never being home. To find a stranger cooking breakfast in her house without warning would be... beyond unnerving.

Using the spare key, he entered the house as quietly as he possibly could. Once the door was closed, he paused, listening for any signs of her being awake yet. And to his surprise, she was, singing tiredly to herself in the shower. Wispy puffs of clear white steam could be seen rising from the slightly opened doorway, but seeing as the door was slightly ajar, he could hear her singing crystal clear.

Taking a seat at the bottom of the staircase, he decided to listen for a moment before following through with his original plans.


A) You can sing
B) You can't sing


A) You can sing
He shut his eyes closed and allowed himself to get lost in her angelic voice as she sang (song of choice). He wasn't expecting her to sound so.. surreal. Especially at this hour in the morning. But she clearly had a natural talent for singing, and Jotaro silently appreciated her skill from afar..


B) You can't sing
Jotaro laughed to himself quietly at the sound of her attempts to sing (song of choice), a small smile etched across his face from the moment he sat down. While she couldn't sing to save her life, she was putting her heart into it, and he could appreciate that. She sung with everything she had, and was clearly comfortable in doing so while she was 'home alone'.


Deciding that he'd better continue the plan before she finished showering, he stood up from his seat on the staircase and made his way towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her.

He'd already eaten previously, so made a single serving of (breakfast food you like), finishing up the final touches before leaving it idle on the countertop with cutlery set just beside it. Content with how it turned out, he began to leave, thankful that the shower had just been turned off as he was leaving the house.

He sighed softly to himself, taking a seat on the stone wall just outside her house to wait for her to finish readying herself. With a soft click, the lid of his lighter was flicked open, the newly lit flame held up to his mouth to light the end of his cigarette. He breathed in a long, sustained breath as the lighter was stowed away in his pocket once again.

"Jotaro!" (Y/n) gasped as she was locking up the door, her keys jingling aggressively as she quickly hid them away in her pocket. "You made me breakfast?"

Jotaro simply nodded, putting out his second cigarette by dropping it onto the road next to the pathway, avoiding littering on her property by throwing it just outside the premises. "You should have told me you were here." She laughed embarrassedly, scratching the back of her neck a little awkwardly.

"You were showering. I didn't want to disturb you." He simply stated, only adding to the blush that dusted across (Y/n)'s already reddened face. Her mind was racing with a multitude of embarrassing scenarios, wondering what would have happened if he saw her leaving that bathroom with nothing but a towel that barely covered the essentials.

"Oh.. Thank you." She sighed of slight relief. She knew he definitely wasn't the type to peek on girls in the shower, but couldn't help but make a mental note to never shower with the door open or unlocked again, regardless of wether or not she was home alone.

"You're a really good cook.." She finally mused as they began to walk towards their schools. The breakfast he'd made was definitely worth the small fright she had earlier. She felt more inspired and energised after eating something other than toast, cereal or the likes. She hasn't eaten a proper home-cooked breakfast that wasn't reheated from frozen since being a kid, seeing as her mom leaves for work at such an early hour.

"You're a really good singer.." Jotaro quipped (sarcastically/genuinely), earning a long string of stammers as she stumbled over her latest embarrassment. He thought back to the details of Kakyoin's well-thought-through plan as she continued to spout nonsense, trying to remember what to do next while she tried to calm down. Step two: carry her bag for her.

"Let me get that for you." He quoted Kakyoin's suggested choice of words, gesturing to her bag to take it for her. She eyed him curiously, now distracted from his earlier retort, and let the strap slide off her shoulder since he seemed so adamant on carrying it for her. "Oh. I... Thank you... Again." Jotaro silently took pride in the amount of blush that tinted her cheeks in a myriad of bright red shades, more than happy to see the plan was actually working.

He lifted the bag onto his free shoulder, now carrying the two as if they weighed nothing. Step three: Offer to cook for her again.

"Would you.. like me to cook for you more often?" The sentence almost sounded forced, but there was a strong sense of sincerity overpowering the effort it took to say those words. Jotaro wasn't normally one to talk excessively, and for him to suddenly be so straightforward was new to him. But after seeing the positive outcome that followed each of his previous actions, it left him wanting to be more forward to gain more of her reactions.

"If you'd like to?" (Y/n) knew for certain that Kakyoin was behind this, but was also aware that Jotaro wasn't one to go ahead with something unless he genuinely wanted to. So him saying and doing all these kind gestures had just as much of an effect on her as it would've without Kakyoin's influence.

"Only if you sing for me again.." He teased with a lighthearted laugh. "I can't believe you heard that!" She exclaimed, her heart almost ready to burst with the amount of spiked emotions she had felt in the last ten minutes. "But if it means I get food like that again..." She trailed off her sentence with a laugh, fanning her face to try and cool down the rising heat.

Jotaro smiled, his eyes locking with her's for the first time since they encountered each other that morning, now confident enough to do so. They held a warmth to them that was so familiar yet so new, and she couldn't help but wonder if her eyes expressed the same.

"I'll see you later?" She had barely noticed that they'd stopped walking, now standing at the gates of her school with other students staring at them quizzically. "Oh.. Yeah." She glanced at her surroundings surprisedly, but was quick to regain her composure as Jotaro handed back her bag that he'd previously held before turning to leave. "Definitely."


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