✧ Chapter 5 ✧

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(Y/n) = Your name
(S/n) = Surname / last name
(E/c) = Eye colour
(S/c) = Skin colour / skin tone
(H/c) = Hair colour
(H/l) = Hair length


The beach was calm today, not a wave in sight as I strolled across the seashore. I presumed this would be the case, judging by the lack of wind over the past few days. The perfect weather to walk across the shallows of the water in shorts and a tee. As for surfing, it was pretty pointless.

I spotted Jotaro on the beach side, laying down on the sand as he usually would, overlooking the beach with his trusty notebook and pen in hand. "Hey, Jotaro." I waved from afar in hopes of catching his attention, but he was too deep in thought to notice my presence. "I wonder what he's writing about..." I mused quietly to myself, lowering my hand out of slight embarrassment. Hopefully he won't mind me asking.

"Hey Jotaro-San." I repeated myself, this time at a much closer range. His eyes flickered up to momentarily meet my curious gaze, then back to his work. "Yare yare daze.." He muttered under his breath, tilting his hat forwards as he eventually set his notebook aside.

"I just wanted to ask what you were writing." I decided to tread carefully with my choice of words, just incase he were to get defensive about it. Most artists or writers I've known can be pretty private about their work, which is respectable.

But to my surprise, he simply handed me the notebook.

"Research." He stated as I flipped open the hardback cover, skimming through the titles at the top of each page. "Blue whale, salmon roe, bottlenose dolphin.." I then paused on that last note, recalling the day we met. I read a few lines of text, mainly consisting of facts and a few bullet points from his up-close experience with the species. "You really do love sea creatures." I smiled softly as I flicked over onto another page.

He seemed unfazed by me looking through his work, but watched my facial expressions quite intently, as if to gauge what kind of a reaction it would draw from the reader.

"Do you plan to write a book about marine life?" That guess seemed to be the most fitting explanation for such meticulous research on the subject. "Maybe.." He trailed off, his thoughts seeming to consume him as I continued to read through everything.


"And what does that mean?" I pointed towards one of the facts he had written down in the sea urchin section. I decided that I would draw some talk out of Jotaro while the opportunity had presented itself, and asked a multitude of questions on each subject. Some answers I already knew, some I didn't. But either way, he clearly enjoyed explaining each of the unknown terms to me, since it was the most talkative I've ever seen him. Even if it wasn't very talkative to begin with.

"Someday I'll be boasting to all my friends about knowing the renowned author and marine biologist, Jotaro Kujo!" I giggled quietly to myself, handing his notebook back to its rightful owner. "Yare yare daze.." He clearly didn't know how to react to the half-joke half-compliment, choosing to reiterate his usual catchphrase.

"But seriously, you've really captured these animal's lives perfectly in this book. It's so detailed.. You must have looked through so many different articles." I commended, trying to express how amazing I thought his work was. The amount of dedication he holds towards all this is admirable.

He eyed me a little quizzically, as if to determine how serious I was about my praise. But once he realised it was as genuine as could be, he couldn't help but lift just the corners of his lips, curving them into the faintest of smiles. "..Thanks." And he, yet again, tilted his cap to try and hide the slight embarrassment he was showing to such a directly personal compliment.


"I'd better get going. It's getting kind of late." I stood up from where I originally sat, beginning to walk away from the small sand pits we had pressed into the shore. And that's when I noticed Jotaro standing to his feet, his notebook now tucked safely underneath his arm, following not too far behind me.

"Your house is this way too?" I inquired, stopping in my tracks to allow him to catch up to me. He didn't respond, instead just kept walking alongside me. I'll take that as a yes then.

"It's really nice out today." In a deeply thoughtful state of mind, I began to ramble on about the tranquil night that created the perfect atmosphere for an evening walk. "Even though I can't surf without wind, it's still calming." I added, followed by a short chuckle. "Hmm." Jotaro let out a soft hum to acknowledge my ramblings without the need to reply.

And so the remainder of our early night stroll consisted of similar conversations. And while they may seem awkward or uncomfortable to most people, I felt so at peace to have someone there to simply listen to me, and respond when prompted to. Jotaro seemed to feel the same as he strode nonchalantly by my side, not a hint of annoyance or discomfort evident in any of his body language. Not even slightly depicted by his unexpectedly emotion-filled eyes.

"This is my stop." We had inevitably arrived outside my house, standing by the front gate entrance that separated my home from the pavement we stood by idly. "Hmm." He tipped his hat slightly in my direction as a simple but effective goodbye gesture. "Goodnight!~" I called over my shoulder, strolling happily towards my house, glad to finally be out of the cold that was beginning to sweep the moonlit streets.

But as I was closing the door, I caught a glimpse of Jotaro walking home.. in the opposite direction that we had originally walked from. Did he accompany me all the way to my place, even though he doesn't live around here..?

I shook my head slightly, shaking those thoughts from my mind as I walked straight towards my room. It's early nighttime, of course he would want to walk me home at this hour, just in case something were to happen.. But it's Jotaro, of all people. The brash brute who apparently fends for nobody but himself..

Deciding not to dwell on it much more, I shut my bedroom door closed and let myself fall gently onto my plank mattress, limbs sprawled across the sheets. My head instantly began to sink into my cloud-like pillow, eliciting a relieved sigh from me. For now, I just need to sleep. I can worry about all this at a later time..


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