✧ Chapter 2 ✧

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(Y/n) = Your name
(S/n) = Surname / last name
(E/c) = Eye colour
(S/c) = Skin colour / skin tone
(H/c) = Hair colour
(H/l) = Hair length


Days had passed since my last encounter with Kujo, my attention now completely averted from the mystery man I met so briefly on the beach.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!"

I huffed as a large gust of wind passed me by, my best friend now taking the lead with their unfair headstart. "Hey! That's not fair, Kakyoin!" I raced subsequently, soon to catch up with him as I was much more agile than he was.

"Aww cmon, let me win a race against you just this once?" The sheer determination was written all over his face as he tried to propel himself forward even more using his free arm, the other tightly gripping onto his crimson surfboard. "Earn it then." I smirked triumphantly as I raced ahead of him, claiming first place in our little race. "And my winning streak lives on!"

Kakyoin hunched over defeatedly, panting like a dog as he slowed to a halt next to me. "Fine, fine.." He straightened himself up in an attempt to regain his composure, partially shifting his weight onto his cherry-printed board for support. "Now that that's settled, lets surf!" I grabbed his wrist without warning, dragging him along with me as I headed out into the water. "Cold! It's cold, (Y/n)! Give me a second to get used to it!"

Kakyoin and I have been best friends since kindergarten. My childhood memories are primarily composed of our early days together, and our friendship goes back to as far as I can remember. We were inseparable, until the inevitable school split-up that led to us being enrolled in different schools within the same town. But we never lost touch, seeing as we lived in the same neighbourhood. Even our high schools were different, mine being an all-girls school while his was mixed. And yet here we are, still as close as ever.

He's my only real friend, seeing as I never took any interest in making friends. All I needed was Kakyoin and the ocean, and nothing else mattered to me. Most other girls shared no interest in the water either, gushing on about the cutest boys in the other schools and hottest new trends circulating around the town. And for that reason, I never clicked with any of them, and remained quite reserved during my school days.

"Suck it up. The waters only up to your knees!" I laughed as he tried to pull against my grip, his efforts successful as he's much stronger than I am. "You're seriously not cold? How is that even possible?!" He howled irritatedly, now hugging himself in a weak attempt to comfort his body into warming up to the icy cold water.

"I'm used to it." I shrugged, inching away from him slowly, impatiently walking farther and farther away from the shore. "Hey, wait for me!" He sucked in a deep breath of air, trapping it in his lungs by keeping his mouth firmly shut. And with this newfound confidence, he started to take baby steps in my direction, slowly following my lead.


"See, I told you the water would warm up. And you still refused to believe me." I tutted as Kakyoin swam towards me, laying flat on his stomach across his board as he paddled his way over to me. It was his 100th time falling off the board, his entire body drenched from head to toe, his signature twisted bang now clinging to his face like wet seaweed.

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes and laughed. Just then, I noticed a mischevious glint in his eyes, not an uncommon expression of his. "Just what are you-.." Before I could even finish expressing my scepticism, he put his plan into action by grabbing the underside of my surfboard and flipping it over completely, dunking me under the water unexpectedly.

As I was underwater, I could see him laughing quite heartily from above the surface, so decided that I would swim underneath his board and get my revenge. I pressed my legs together and kicked as if they had merged to become a tail, propelling myself forward. It was such a quick, fluid movement that he took no heed to it. I suddenly reemerged from beneath the water, wrapping my arms around his waist to pull him in, completely catching him off-guard. He let out a loud shriek before all went silent, the two of us now fully submerged. I sniggered softly to myself as he glared menacingly at me, a few small airbubbles escaping my lips in the process.

We kicked the sandy floor of the ocean, using it to boost us up to the surface quicker. We each gasped for air, laughing between each desperate breath. "You're so sneaky!" He laughed, ruffling my already insanely messy hair, creating what looked to be a bird's nest sitting atop my head. "Don't dish what you can't take!" I retorted matter-of-factly whilst fixing my hair to revert it back to its original state.

After deciding that it was getting too late and windy to stay out surfing for much longer, we headed back to the coast. "When I get home, that chicken sandwich in the fridge is as good as mine!" Kakyoin rambled on about how hungry and tired he was, the loud rumbling of his wailing stomach too loud to possibly miss. "Moms making (favourite dinner food) for dinner, so beat that." I stuck my tongue out at him playfully, earning an eyeroll from him in return. "Always have to one-up me, don't you?"

Just then, I noticed somebody perched on the sand not too far away, isolated from the other passersby as they headed home for the evening. A large notebook lay idly against their lap while they furiously scribbled some kind of notes into it, the pen moving so quickly that it could barely be seen.

"Jotaro-San!" My eyes flickered to Kakyoin quite surprisedly. He knows this guy too?

Kujo's writing slowed to a halt as his focus was now on us. "Kakyoin. (S/n)." He greeted us quite coolly, instantly returning his attention to his work without exchanging another word. Kakyoin turned to me with an expression that mirrored my confusion. "You know Jotaro?" He tilted his head to the side slightly, the cogs in his brain clearly turning to try and figure out how we could possibly know each other.

"We met here a couple days ago. He was saving a dolphin that was caught up in a fishing net. How do you two know each other?" I cut our introduction story short for the sake of simplicity. That, as well as the fact that I desperately wanted to know how they knew each other well enough for him to refer to Kujo by his first name. Kakyoin never mentioned him to me before.

"We're school buddies, right Jotaro-San?" He grinned cheekily, turning to his 'school buddy' enthusiastically, only to be met with a faint "Yare yare daze.."

"Wow, what an inseparable duo you two are." I stifled a laugh as I began to walk away.

The wind whirling past me was causing a multitude of tiny goosebumps to appear across the entirety of my body. The damp wetsuit I wore was clinging to me, cooling me down enough to end up with me catching a cold if I want careful. "I swear we are!" Kakyoin called out, jogging away from his school friend to catch up to me.

"Shut up! I'm trying to work!" Jeez, some temper that is..

Kakyoin apologised profusely, only encouraging me to laugh even more to myself. Once he finished up with Kujo, he returned to walk by my side once again. "Quit laughing at me." He demanded, his tone playful as he shoved me slightly, just enough for me to stumble a little but catch myself before I could fall. I then shouldered him in the side in return, causing him to do the same. "What? It's funny. I'll laugh if I want to laugh." I stuck my tongue out at him, just as I had done before.

"I hate you."

"I know you do."


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