✧ Chapter 20 ✧

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(Y/n) = Your name
(S/n) = Surname / last name
(E/c) = Eye colour
(S/c) = Skin colour / skin tone
(H/c) = Hair colour
(H/l) = Hair length


I sighed contentedly as I picked up my surfboard, my limbs aching from the amount of work I'd just put into surfing. That was my workout finished for the day, and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep for a week.

Seeing as Jotaro and Kakyoin were busy, I didn't stay out late, as per Kakyoin's request. And it was a reasonable request at that, seeing as there was a random guy lounging around alone on the beach for almost the entirety of the day. I eyed him curiously, watching him pack up his things as I began to walk by. And suddenly I regretted my decision to wear a swimsuit rather than a wetsuit on this evening in particular.

I began to speed walk to test my hunch, unsure of wether or not it was my imagination that this guy had his eye on me. But watching him pick up the pace to put away his belongings in the backpack he'd brought, I knew that my gut feeling was right.

As I reached the stone pedestrian pavement, two possible courses of action crossed my mind. Make a run for it, and hope that he doesn't catch up before he sees where I actually live, or go to Jotaro's house to ask for help since he lives closer to the beach than I do. I closed my eyes and sighed, turning in the direction of Jotaro's house since I didn't want to risk having a permanent stalker in my life. Here's hoping he's actually at home right now..

I proceeded to jog in that direction, hoping the stalker would feel too awkward to match my pace in order to stay within range. But he shamelessly continued to follow my every move, probably because there was barely anybody out in the colder evenings like this. I gulped, trying my best to swallow the anxiety building up in my mind as I fought the urge to stop for a break. My bones were sore, my muscles throbbing with each painful step. But who knows what a creep like him could do if that were to happen.

As his home finally came into view, I picked up the pace, noting that the guy had slowed down slightly to watch me enter the house, all to ensure that I wasn't misleading him. A cautious stalker, but an idiotic one for being so obvious about his intentions.

As I walked up to the door, I knocked a few times and took a step back, shivering from the cold as a sharp gust of wind blew past and caused goosebumps to rise on my exposed arms and legs. "Ah, hello (Y/n)!" Jotaro's mom beamed upon noticing me standing just outside the doorway. "It's cold out. You shouldn't be standing outside like that." She attempted to usher me inside, but I smiled politely and shook my head. "That's quite alright, thank you. I just wanted to ask if Jotaro was here..?"

"Do you need something?" I heard his slightly curious but concerned tone sound from behind the door before he came into view. My body heaved a heavy sigh of relief at the sound. "I'll leave you two to it.. You should come visit more often - I'll make tea!" And with that, Holly bowed courteously and disappeared into the kitchen to let Jotaro stand by the doorway instead. "Is everything okay?"

"Someone's been following me." I attempted to smile lightly, trying not to act overly anxious. But knowing him, he saw right through my act. His eyes suddenly narrowed, pupils dilating to make his eyes seem darker and much angrier than usual. "Where?"

"Over by the trees to my left." I nodded my head ever so slightly to the left, watching as his eyes flickered over to that area instantly, desperately searching for the person I was so worried about. And once his eyes caught sight of the man hiding by one of the bushes, he let out a scoff. "Yare yare daze.." He muttered, cap tilting to hide his ominous eyes that I could barely recognise anymore.

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