Chapter 20

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Ricky stepped off the elevator on the fifth floor, on his way to a meeting with Tony Cartwright, in the security office.

"So, what brings the wonder boy to our humble domain," he heard a voice coming from underneath a 19' Fiberform ski boat.

"Hey Randy," he replied. The department manager was working on the boat prop. "Don't you have mechanics to handle that shit, or are you planning on changing vocations."

"Christ. If I waited for them, this stuff would never get fixed. Anyway, I just needed to tighten a bolt on the cowling arm. By the way, congrats on your promotion. At the speed you're going you should be able to take over Appleton's general manager position before your twenty-fifth birthday," he laughed.

Randy Ballencourt was two years older than Ricky and part of the "Group of 8" selected for Appleton's "Bound for Success" committee. He was also one of Ricky's best friends and a fellow cribbage companion. In contrast to Ricky's heritage, Randy had come from a very affluent Hempstead community family; both his mother and father were medical doctors. Randy rebelled against his parent's pre-selected medical vocation choice. He had a very with high I.Q., but refused to go to college, and instead chose a merchandising career at Eaton's.

He had the imposing stature of a football player with wide shoulders, thick neck, huge hands and an exceptionally developed muscular system. Although his demeanor could be pleasant and compassionate, everyone was aware of his no-nonsense; don't mess with Randy attitude.'"

"Well, the thing I have to look forward to when I get Appleton's job, is the fact that I can finally can your sorry ass, out of this place," Ricky teased.

"That'll be the day, Good Buddy," he laughed, placing the wrench into the tool box. "So, what are you really doing up here?"

"I've got a meeting with Tony Cartwright."

"What, he finally caught you with your fingers in the cookie jar?"

"Yeah right. No, Appleton selected me to be liaison for all the department managers regarding the recent shopliftings going on throughout the store. I know Tony's going to be pissed, but Appleton wants us to check on his investigations. Every one of my departments have been hit in the last two months, not just single thefts, but large thefts, like last Saturday when they stole eight pair of calfskin gloves, at one time. With these losses none of us are going to see bottom line bonuses this year.

"I hear you. I was just talking to Heidi and Hans about that this morning," Randy explained. "Like us, they say that all the other floor managers have had their departments hit, and nobody seems to ever see a thing. These thieves really seem to know what the hell they're doing."

"We will get them. It's only a matter of time," Ricky answered. He continued on his way towards the security office. He looked back and said, "Are you on to part with some of your cash for cribbage, at one o'clock?"

"Yeah. I'll be there."

The security office was in a discreet area hidden behind the sporting goods stock rooms. Amazingly, the small area housed two offices, a holding room and reception area occupied by the ever-scowling secretary, Agatha Marchant. She was a veteran of 38 years in the security field, and had previously served as secretary to the security officer at Dupuis Freres department store. Apparently, her sour nature and aggressive disposition became too much to contend with, and she was fired from her position.

Four years ago, she was hired by Tony. He truly believed, as the ever rescuer, he could transform her negative personality...but he had failed!

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