Chapter 64

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Vinney paced aimlessly around the huge warehouse, ignoring his crew lounging on the sofas and chairs by his desk. He had a foreboding feeling that everything was not right with the planned Eaton's heist. That combined with the coffin dream, seemed to be a sign of disaster. He knew that he personally had planned everything down to the smallest detail, but something kept at him. Vinney finally walked over to his crew and looked each one in the eye.

"So, today is our big day! The getaway car is in position, the disguises and uniforms are over on the table and the truck is ready to go. I also bought new twelve- gauge double barrel shotguns from the Westies. But we may have a problem," he said, moving towards Marcus.

"What do you think, Marcus, do we have a problem?" Vinney bent to eye-level with Marcus.

"No Boss, we got no problem," Marcus squirmed in his chair.

"No problem, eh? Since when did you get so interested in boats?"

"I...I...I," Marcus stammered.

"Shut up and listen you fat prick. Why were you looking to buy a boat, and with what, money you stole from me!?"

"No, no, Vin. I was looking for a boat cuz my momma loves to fish. And I swear that she was going to pay for the boat." Marcus cowered, as he waited for Vinney's next move!

"And I suppose that Ray Archambault is the only guy in Montreal that has a boat for sale?"

"No Vinney, it's not like that. When Ray was here last week, he told me that he was having trouble making his vig, and would have to sell off his boat. So, I told him I was interested."

"And you had to go to his house?"

"Yeah. I had to see the boat, right?"

"It seems like you have a lot of time on your hands between your shoplifting crew and our Eaton's heist. Maybe I should find more work for you like painting this whole goddamn warehouse, inside and out!" Vinney was now screaming at the top of his lungs.

Marcus looked around the huge warehouse. "No Boss, It's not like that. I went to Ray's house in the night, when his wife and kid were out."

"And how many beers did you have?"

"No..., uh, maybe one, or two," he quickly corrected.

"Don't lie to me or I'll blow your fuckin' kneecaps off. Now, I said, how...many...beers?"

"Three or four, Vin, I'm not sure," his voice quaked as he eyed the nickel-plate 38 that Vinney had removed from his shoulder holster.

"And how long were you with Archambault?"

"Forty-five minutes to an hour."

"And what did you talk about for this hour?"

"Just the boat, Vinney... just the boat, I swear. He told me about the whole motor thing and how to use the trailer lift, and..."

"And you talked about nothing else?"

"Nothing Boss, I swear."

"If I find out that you spilled anything to Archambault, you won't need a boat because you'll be swimming with the fishes...understand?"

"Sure Boss."

"Okay then. With all that bullshit over with, does everyone know exactly what they have to do today?"

Everyone's head nodded.

"And does everyone have their backup piece?"

Again, everyone's head nodded.

"Okay, get into your disguises and pick up your weapons. It's nearly time to rock and roll gentlemen."

With that Vinney put his pistol back in his holster and tried to shake the negative thinking that kept coming into his mind.

EATON'S During The 1960's Second French RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now