Chapter 37

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Because of their work schedules Ricky hadn't yet had an opportunity to talk with Christine about her new living arrangements with her friend Charlotte. But he was particularly concerned about any problems with her ex-husband since the annulment and the restraining order.

Selfishly, he was troubled that maybe what brought him and Christine together was only her marriage issues. Now, with those issues resolved and with her new-found freedom; what might have been a growing personal relationship between them, may now be a friendship at best, or just a business relationship, at worst.

As Ricky stood by the office entrance pondering these conflicting thoughts, he saw Christine walk briskly into the teen fashion stockroom, and nervously followed. When he entered, he saw her at the far end of the stockroom, straining to reach a box of sweaters on the top shelf. Her dainty designer skirt rose provocatively above her knees, exposing slim muscular legs, as she struggled on her toes to get a grip of the box.

"Here, let me help," he offered, gently moving her aside, "I'm taller than you!"

Handing her the box, he bent to whisper in her ear, looking around to see if anyone was within earshot, "I, uh, was wondering, you'd like to have a drink with me after work to celebrate your release from the 'Roland prison'." He heard his words, and couldn't believe how sheepish the question sounded.

In response, Christine rose on her toes, softly pushed his hair aside and whispered in his ear, teasingly, "We're all alone in here, so I don't think we need to whisper, but yes, I'd love to have a drink with you."

Putting on a more businesslike attitude, he said, "I think it is important for you to understand how we took down Roland, last week, and I wanted to hear how you are getting along at Charlotte's."

"Sounds good! Besides, I need to get my Dubonnet fix," she laughed, playfully punching Ricky's shoulder.

Why the hell am I sweating like a pig, he thought.

"Great! Why don't I meet you in the seven-twenty-seven lounge around six-fifteen? I need to pick something up on the way." A crimson blush was evident on Ricky's face.

"Can I start getting drunk before you get there?" she kidded.

"Well, after all, you are a free woman now! You can do whatever your little heart desires," he said, then turned to leave the stockroom; and to avoid any further embarrassment.

How can a friendly punch in the shoulder, or the sexy curl of her lips, drive me so absolutely nuts?

At 6:00, Ricky bought a single red rose at Academy Floral, before heading for the Place Ville Marie. Ascending to the top floor, in the elevator, he carefully secreted the rose into the breast pocket of his overcoat.

As usual greeted him as he entered the lounge. "The beautiful, Miss Christine, is already seated Mister Livingston, and she's already ordered drinks," he said, pointing toward the same corner table they had occupied some weeks earlier.

"Thanks ," he replied, making his way to the table.

"You're here," she said, rising from her chair, and planting a swift brother-sister kiss, on his cheek.

Boy, that was a hellava lot different kiss from last time we were here. This rose thing may not be such a good idea, right now.

"That I is," he joked, carefully placing his overcoat on an empty chair, before taking his seat. "So, here you are, at last, a free woman. What is the first big plan you're going to tackle?" he asked, taking a settling gulp of his wine.

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