Chapter 53

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Things had not been going as planned, which was bringing Vinney's temper to a boiling point. He hadn't been able to dispose of the stolen furs as fast as he had planned and shuttered at the thought of giving the best of the heist to the Russian fence Yuri Petrovski. The prospect of only getting ten cents on the dollar for the whole stash grated on him. And now, just days before the largest payday of his life, the head of his shoplifting operation gets caught trying to extort Eaton's through a 'bait and switch' wallet caper.

Maybe I should just shoot the bastard, right now.

Vinney tinkered with his prized 1956 Thunderbird convertible as he awaited the arrival of his crew. He was just tightening the last lug nut when he felt a presence beside him, a long shadow blocking his light and startling him.

"Hey Boss," came a familiar voice.

"Jesus, Frankie could you at least whistle, or something, instead of sneaking up on me, and scaring the shit outta me," Vinney yelled. "And, get your foot off that bumper, I just paid eight bills to get it re-chromed."

"Sorry Boss," instantly removing his foot. "It's really comin' along good," pointing at the car. "A real pretty Vinney pussy mobile, eh?"

"Just shut up and hand me that hubcap."

"Sure Boss."

"Does every answer from you have to end with the word 'boss'?" he said, banging the hubcap in place with a rubber mallet.

"You in a bad mood, Boss, uh, oh sorry Vinney? 'Cause a your Poppa?" referring to Vinney's father, Giuseppe Calabrisee, the family .

"What about my father?" Vinney replied, wiping his dirty hands on his coveralls.

"You no see the papers this mornin'? Poppa Giuseppe got pinched by the cops," Frankie said, taking a newspaper from the inside pocket of his over coat, and handing it to Vinney.

"That can't be. My old man doesn't get popped by the cops, because he never gets his own hands dirty with family business.?"

Vinney began to scan the article that Frankie was pointing at.

"Mobster indicted on Insurance scam charges"

"It says he was arrested by the RCMP, charged with arson and insurance fraud in the fires of several shmatte owners. He's being held at RCMP headquarters without bail."

"What is this shmatte, Vinney?"

"You know!... the clothing industry run by the Saint Laurent Street Jews."

"Oh yeah. So, Poppa Giuseppe in jail for the first time...that no good."

"Hand me the phone. I'll find out what the hell is going on." Vinney dialed the familiar number.

"Ya, who's this?"

"Julianna...this is Vinney. Let me speak to Uncle Carmine."

"What do you need, Vinney?" she asked in an irritated voice.

"I heard about my father being arrested, that's why I'm calling Uncle Carmine," throwing an agitated look at Frankie.

"Hold on."

"Hi Uncle, what's up with Dad?" listening to the response from his uncle, Vinney kept nodding his head. "And so, where does that leave him?"

EATON'S During The 1960's Second French RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now