Chapter 48

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It was Monday, two days after the Black Watch Armory riot when Louis was contacted by Francois who directed him to get a 2" X 2" personal photo of himself and take it to a small camera shop on Saint Urban St. When he questioned why he needed the photo Francois curtly responded, "a good soldier acts, he does not question."

Louis took the photo to the shop and was told to return in three hours. When he returned, he was presented with an official looking LaPresse newspaper identification badge bearing his picture. Upon receiving the identification badge, he immediately found a telephone booth and contacted Mr. Smith to update him on the situation.

Louis explained about the LaPresse identification badge, "Apparently whatever is going down it is important enough that they want on-time documentation of the event. I'm still leaning towards an attack on the Montreal Stock Exchange.

"You may be right," Mr. Smith responded, "but it still seems highly unlikely. Remember just three weeks ago a bomb was planted in the building across the street from the exchange, outside the offices of a firm involved in a language dispute in a northern Quebec mining town. Fortunately, a guard threw it down a stairwell before it exploded. I don't believe they would try another attack in such close proximity to the last."

"Just maybe, that attack was a prelude, or dry-run, to test the possibility of an Exchange attack. Maybe they were trying to get a sense of the reaction time of law enforcement," Louis suggested.

"Anything is possible, but without concrete evidence of the exact target, and the day or time, we can't close down the Exchange indefinitely based on your suspicions."

"But I really feel that things are accelerating to a point that this may be the week of the planned attack," Louis prompted.

"I'll pass along your concerns to MPD and the Exchange security officers, but based on the information that you've provided, I don't think they'll take the threat seriously. If you really believe the target is the Exchange, you'll need to get me more, even if you have to jeopardize your cover. Because, right now, your cover isn't worth as much as this information which could save the lives of hundreds of Canadian citizens."

"Okay, I'll dig deeper and let you know."

Tuesday night Louis met with his team leader, Jean-Claude Allard, at Les Jardins Tavern in St. Michele's.

"So, I approved to loan you to the Liberation Cell, as a documentary photographer, for the Montreal Stock Exchange attack," Jean-Claude said, lowering his voice. "This is an important event, so make us proud."

Finally, official confirmation of the actual target.

"Yes, but I still feel like I'm in the dark as to the details." Louis sipped his Molson's nonchalantly. "They got me a LaPresse identification pass, but, no one has explained my role in this whole thing. I don't know where I'm supposed to be, or even what day, or time."

"Patience my friend. You know how these things work. You will be told these details only when, and if, they determine it is necessary to the success of the operation, and not before."

"So, I'm just supposed to stand around with my thumb up my ass and wait for a call to act?" Louis pressed.

"What is the alternative? You just need to stand by for a few more days and all will become clear."

"Certainly, at least knowing what day I'm needed can't compromise the operation."

I better be careful that I don't push too hard.

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