Chapter 29

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Arriving at the luncheonette and removing the cordon blocking the entry, Ricky contemplated that this was his favorite spot at this time of day. The luncheonette was closed to the public at 5:00 P.M. and he would have the whole place to himself for the next hour. And, manager Steve Fortuna, very graciously, always made sure that he left a full pot of coffee at Ricky's disposal. Many times, he brought his paperwork so that he could work in peace with the added enjoyment of coffee and cigarettes, or just the solitude to reflect on business or personal problems. Today's thoughts were of a personal nature; centering on his 6:15 meeting with Christine.

Pouring the coffee, Ricky settled into his favorite booth where he had a panoramic view of the selling floor. He lit a cigarette, then removed his pager from his belt and placed it on the table.

This past month had been an extraordinarily stressful one; switching the management roles of Becky and Monique, sympathizing with John LeClerke about his employee thief, meeting with Radford and settling Duane down from his tirade about the Klondike boots, but thankfully, not as stressful as many others had been. He'd thankfully been able to settle each problem without any residual effects. But the one thing under control was the upcoming Teen Fashion Show. Christine was handling everything with a professionalism that was way beyond her years!

Just thinking about her sent his thought careening in a more personal direction. His main quandary was that Christine was permeating his dreams and many of his waking thoughts.

Before their Place Ville Marie meeting any thoughts regarding Christine had been of a professional nature and only fleeting minor casual thoughts of personal content. He was attracted to her, but he was her boss and they were both married. But, since hearing the detailed account of her heart wrenching dilemma regarding her marriage, Ricky's whole consciousness went into "prince-princess rescuer overdrive". The vulnerability that she exhibited and her tenderness and understanding, shook Ricky to the very core.

It still amazed him that she had been comfortable enough with him to bear her most private secrets and to release, in front of him; long pent up tears. She had allowed him to see her inner soul and begged for his help.

For that brief moment, we were totally connected.

To console Christine, he had wanted to take her in his arms and spill the whole sordid details of his own disastrous marriage; that readily paralleled her own. But, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't put more on her, nor was he ready to reveal such intimacies. He was torn between acting with the familiarity of her boss, or letting his walls down and pursuing a more personal relationship. "Boss" won out!

Trying to refocus he looked around the luncheonette, he noticed the kitchen staff was coming to clean up and prepare for tomorrow's customers. Steve had just returned for the evening set-up and gave a casual wave from the register area.

Ricky still had a half hour before his meeting and nerves began to flutter in his stomach.

This is stupid...she's married, I'm married, and I'm supposed to act like her boss, right!

To keep his mind on target, he grabbed the Morning Gazette that had been left on an adjoining table. He immediately noticed a story headline that he'd been following for weeks:


Montreal - Many Montrealer women claimed to have been attacked by a razor-blade wielding maniac that would lead MPD police to question which of the attacks occurred for real and which were self-inflicted injuries.

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