Chapter 26: Lucifer's Angel

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A/N: lmao now i know the main title is in this but a heads up, it'll be an emotional chapter for the main characters.. you're in for a ride :3


That evening was delightful, having to lose ourselves in entertainment and some drinks to forget about the crisis that was to happen soon. Lucifer and I talked the whole night, greeting a few people in the spacious, large hall that was overfilled with sea of crowds waltzing here and there getting some delights for themselves, indulging in expensive food and desserts that could cost my insurance. I wandered around the place, my eyes gazing to the marble walls and floors, being spotless clean which satisfied me mostly.

As much as I wander, danger would always lurk around, ready to pounce on me like a tiger.

And that moment stroked out of nowhere which caught me by surprise.

Theodore had appeared right in the vulnerable moment right where we hadn't expected it. He slammed through the roof of the hall causing everyone to scream and panicked as they run for the double doors on every side. He smirked, enjoying the screams of the people scanning through the crowd for Lucifer himself, "Now where are you.. You little weak devil?"

I shield myself from Theodore too, under a table with a tablecloth draping over it giving me enough space to hide myself away. I know, I wasn't a fighter. I couldn't beat Theodore even if I tried, perhaps countless times.

Lucifer was nowhere to be seem just yet, making Theodore chuckled as he tried to find him in every corner, "Where are you.. or your little angel?"

I stifled a gasp, as I could sense him very close to the table. My nerves were all worked up as I heard his footsteps approaching, the leather material tapping against the shiny marble floor.

In the blink of an eye, he tossed the tablecloth aside like it was a tissue as he revealed me to him making me squeak as I glanced at him in shock, "H-how.. how did you..?"

"I sensed you.. Lucifer's angel," He chuckled taking a step towards me, "You really think you can hide? Or run? You're clearly mistaken."

But out of nowhere, Lucifer threw himself against the other greater demon slamming the other to the ground with a hiss, "Why are you doing this?!"

"Why? You dare ask me why I'm doing this?" Theodore hissed back, his eyes illuminating crimson red.

He laughed as his nose started bleeding, staring daggers at the devil, "I was just an outcast like you. I think you must've heard my story but not once you helped me when I fell from heaven!"

"I was always a second to you, Lucifer. It's the main reason I've always have hated you.. You and your selfish pride. Now I'm taking away your only love in this world," He shifted his gaze towards me, still being under the table.

Unexpectedly, Michael flew down from the hole of the ceiling, sword drawn as his eyes landed on Theodore. He didn't utter a word as he came closer, helping me out from the table then whispered, "You need to leave.. It's not going to end well here."

"No.. I want to hear more of his story.." I pleaded, giving him a puppy eyes when he sighed.

And so, Theodore continued, "I was always mistreated since I fell. No one was there to help," He laughed again, humourlessly, "Since then, I only depended on myself and a few of my followers. We planned to overthrow you, Morningstar. Until.. this angel showed up."

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