Chapter 34: Away From You

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A/N: We're getting closer to the end of the book and omg, I've already had a second book planned (halfway :P) anyways, enjoy this chap ;)



A deep, soothing voice filled the entire room causing me to shiver in anxiety and held onto Lucifer's arm tightly. It may be an angel's voice but deep down, I fear it. Lucifer stayed rigid beside me, holding me to protect me and calming me down by stroking my soft skin of my hand with his thumb.

"You should not be here, Samael. I am warning you," The angel continued, nowhere in sight still.

"I'm here to save Maeve," Lucifer spoke with fear, knowing who it was then turned his head towards me, his breathing gone rapid.

"Lucifer, what's going on?" I asked quietly, worrying for him so terribly.

"This angel.. Seraphim angel.. I fear him. He could hurt you in a blink of an eye," He spoke quietly too, squeezing on my hand.

"My love.. I'm here for you.. Just as you've been there for me. If they're going to separate us, they can try over my dead body."

"I prefer you not dead, darling," He said with concern and brings my body closer to his figure, the space between us sealed shut.

"And I prefer you here with me," I looked into his dark ember eyes, embracing him in my arms.

Without another word, he planted a deep kiss on my lips. It never cease me that this man, this beautiful misunderstood man won my heart over anyone else. Since the moment I met this handsome yet playful devil, I care for him deep down in my dear heart.

I returned his kiss happily, his arms snaking around my waist making me chuckle lightly on his lips. My heart's rate started to pace faster, feeling the familiar chill on my pale skin. This was the usual feeling whenever I was around Lucifer. He was the devil to my angel. And that is never going to change.

The air around us started to change its temperature making me shiver again and snuggled into the devil's chest, attempting to calm myself down. He was more protective than ever as the Seraphim angel appeared in a flash (literally) causing me to hurt my eyes.

"Samael, this was the last warning."

Lucifer only held me close, his eyes on the superior angel. His expression was unreadable as his memories resurfaced, causing him to let go of my body and fell to his knees as his breathing started to quicken. I fell to my knees too beside him, soothing him into my arms now, "You need to focus, Lucifer.. Look at me, please."

I begged, seeing as he was starting to sweat profusely and I sat there, unsure what to do to calm him down now.


Lucifer, or rather known as Samael in his angel times, was happy with his angel family in heaven. Or known as the Haven City. This place was all he could ever loved and never wish to leave this lovely place he called home. He and Michael were more closer as brothers then others, their bond was as strong as steel.

Once in heaven, he was one of the Seraphim angels yet the other Seraphims never liked Lucifer since he was God's favourite.. before he was betrayed.

Poor little Lucifer had to endure the pain as he fell, his loyalties to heaven was broken leaving him to despise himself as he was placed in hell, ruling over the horrible, terrifying creatures. At first, he didn't know what to do with them. And with pride, he became king of the seven hells. Cursing God to make him this way, he roamed earth and seduced women in revenge. He no longer had angel wings, but rather a featherless bony wings replacing it. In his devil form, he had long black horns in the shape of a goat. No, he does not have a head of a goat but rather the horns of it. His black eyes was horrifying to look at too. The irony was.. he used to be beautiful.

Lucifer was so prideful in heaven causing the Seraphims to outrage over him. His pride was his fall, Lucifer didn't mind it at all since all he wanted to do was to be the highest among all angels. Yet his selfish pride overtook him so badly.

End Flashback

I looked at the Seraphim before me, shocked, "You.. Let him go. He was among your kind, wasn't he? I thought angels have mercy!"

"He was over himself with his ego. That's the only reason he was kicked out of heaven," The other angel gazed at Lucifer, his expression neutral.

Lucifer was almost at his breaking point as he stared daggers to the angel, his irises turning red in anger, "You have no right to say that!"

I was pushed back to the floor as he rose from the ground, now almost an inch away from the angel causing me to gasp and watched the two in a heated argument, "Lucifer, stop! Don't kill him!"

He seemed to ignore me as he edged himself closer to the large angel, his body burning with hatred, "You angels are so.. despicable. Now I'm just glad I left heaven."

His words caused my heart to shatter and my eyes water. Why did he say that?

He took a step back and inhaled deeply. He couldn't kill an angel, not at the moment right in the city he once used to love. He couldn't look at me either as he edged closer to the portal, "I'm sorry."

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