Chapter 21

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Thank you so so much for the support so far with this book. By now I hope you all have recognised the direction I headed for Bethan and Archie. I wanted to highlight the issues of emotional and psychological abuse in relationships and how these can be so easily overlooked by the individuals involved and the people around them. If anyone wants to talk about any issues they have experienced in their life relative to this storyline, feel free to message me anytime!

Not taking my eyes away from Cal's, I stepped back a little to create some distance between us. His abrupt question and angry stance was unsettling and I could feel my heart beating quickly as I took in the harshness of his face right at that moment. Upon noticing my reaction, Cal's hard expression softened slightly and he glanced around the aisle before straightening up. He cleared his throat and moved his eyes to his feet as he shifted on the spot. I couldn't stop myself from staring. Was he embarrassed by his sudden outburst?

'I'm okay, Cal,' I said, gently. 'It wasn't Archie.'

He didn't speak, glancing around the store as he nodded slightly and ran his palm down his cheek. He was starting to feel uncomfortable and I could see frustration building once again in his eyes.

'Is everything okay?' I asked him cautiously.

I waited as he wiped his thumb and forefinger down the sides of his mouth, his head turned down to the floor as he thought for a second. He let out a heavy breath and looked up past me before taking a step closer.

'In future,' he began. 'Refrain from banging my door down when you have a little spat with your boyfriend.'

'Cal,' I frowned, confusion rising within me. 'I don't under-.'

'I don't give a shit,' he breathed. 'Next time I won't open the door so just stay the fuck away.'

'You don't have to speak to me that way,' I said, stopping him in his tracks as he turned to walk away. I could feel the lump in my throat as his harsh words hit me right in the chest. 'I'm still grateful for what you did.'

'Yeah well it won't happen again,' his voice spoke before he stormed down the aisle and out of the store.

I controlled my breathing and dabbed at the wetness that had formed in my eyes, cursing myself for getting emotional. I knew he was an asshole and I didn't know why I was acting so surprised that he would speak to me that way; he had said worse. The problem here was; all those other times he had threatened me and spoken to me like shit, we hadn't just kissed in his home the night before. He had stormed over here asking what Archie had done this time; he had shown me that glint of good inside that I knew was there, before snatching it away with one sentence ordering me to stay away from him.

I sighed as I made my way back to the counter and Jack smiled up at me gently.

'How are you today?' he asked.

'Peachy,' I rolled my eyes.

'What happened?' he asked.

'I stayed out all night,' I sighed as I joined him behind the counter. 'Got in trouble this morning. Nothing new really.'

'Bethan,' Jack shook his head. 'You really should try a little harder to be respectful to your parents.'

'I am respectful!' I cried. 'I don't mean to upset them; I honestly had no other choice than to stay out last night.'

'What do you mean?' he frowned.

'Just...some shit went down,' I shook my head quickly to brush off the question. 'I needed to stay at a friend's and just forgot to let my parents know.'

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