Chapter 45

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Welcome to the final chapter of The Other Side Of Fear. Thank you to everyone who made it right through to the end; I have so so loved writing every part of this and am so happy I stuck to it and finally completed the story of Cal & Bethan. I hope you all enjoy this final part and thank you again💕

Two Months Later...

'What are your biggest fears?' Tiffany asked, as we all sat around our usual table in Sheila's drinking our milkshakes.

'For me,' Kady replied. 'I'm just praying that my roommate isn't a total loser.'

'Ugh! Me too,' Millie agreed. 'Hate that we're not together!'

'We'll just force one of them to switch so we can be roommates,' Kady giggled.

'Plan!' Millie grinned and they high-fived.

'Jefferson is so not ready for you two,' I told them and they smirked in agreement.

Kady and Millie had both received acceptance to Thomas Jefferson University; Kady for International Business and Millie for Textile Design.

'If only we were roommates too,' Tiffany turned to April.

'Tiff, I like you a lot,' April began. 'But I think if we shared a room I'd certainly kill you.'

'Mean,' Tiffany pouted.

'Well she doesn't want to hear you and Carter getting it on when she's trying to sleep,' Kady defended her.

'Shut up,' Tiffany blushed. 'I would never do that with someone in the room.'

'As if you and Carter both chose Penn State so you could be together,' Millie grinned. 'You guys are obsessed with each other.'

'We are not!' Tiffany cried. 'This is our last day altogether and you guys are just throwing shots at me.'

'Leave her alone guys,' I chuckled. 'Please tell me Carter isn't studying Nursing too.'

'Of course not,' she frowned. 'Computer Engineering.'

'Nerd!' Millie cried.

'Millie, I will throw this shake right over you!' Tiffany threatened.

'I'm kidding!' she replied with a giggle.

'What about you, April?' Kady asked.

'Oh yeah,' I smiled at April. 'You never told me.'

'Oh,' April smiled. 'Agricultural Science.'

'Wow,' Tiffany smiled.

'That's cool,' I nodded with a grin. 'You'll do brilliantly.'

'Hopefully,' she shrugged modestly. 'I just hope I can handle sharing the dorm.'

'You will,' I reassured her.

'Me too, I actually don't know what I'll do if I hate my roommate,' Millie said. 'At least you don't have to worry about any of this stuff, Bethan.'

I nodded slowly in agreement.

'We'd better go,' Kady told Millie. 'My Dad is driving us up there soon.'

'Yeah,' Tiffany nodded. 'I'm meeting Carter to finish our packing before we leave tonight.'

'I have to help my Dad finish fixing the car so he can drive me up too,' April sighed.

'This is it then,' I smiled. 'I guess I'll see you all when we're back together and meet for our usual milkshakes.'

We all smiled at each other sadly as we stood to our feet and Kady held out her arms to signal us into a group hug. We all bunched together across the table and I held back the lump in my throat. The sniffs coming from Tiffany made us pull back and we looked to see tears streaming down her face.

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