Chapter 25

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My parents greeted me casually as I stepped through the door and I let out the breath I was holding over the worry that I had been caught skipping school again. I headed straight up the stairs to my room before they noticed I was wearing his sweatshirt and sat on my bed with my head in my hands.

Why did I just have sex with Cal Lakey? The words being said in my head sounded crazier every time I repeated them and I felt like kicking myself for being such an idiot. He was a total asshole who had done nothing but threaten me and intimidate me since I had met him yet I was gullible enough to believe that there was some hidden connection between us and that maybe all of that stuff he said and done was a cover up for something he felt. I was an idiot to think that. He was just another typical guy; he may have been different to everybody else around here but he was the same as all of the other jackass boys who slept with a girl then dropped her like shit.

I held my fists against my eyes to stop any tears from escaping; I couldn't bring myself to sit and cry over another guy. Now I had even more drama in my life to deal with and at this point I had seemed to accept that everything was always going to be a complete fuck up for me and that's just the way it was.

I heard a gentle knock on my door and groaned as I prepared for my mother to come in and nag me about something until Archie popped into my head and I automatically felt panic in my chest as I jumped to my feet. He had already invited himself over here before and he knew my parents liked him. He had also tried to call to me at school this morning and I had ran away from him; I knew he was probably so angry right now.

I glanced at my window and ran to it without thinking, yanking at it as it's stiff hinges worked against me and I used as much force as I could to pry it open. I heard the knocks again and climbed up onto the ledge to climb out when the door creaked open and I glanced back in fear, seeing a blur of blonde hair coming around it. I froze and frowned as Tiffany peeked into my room and spotted me up on my window ledge.

'What the hell are you doing?' she frowned as she paced quickly into the room closing the door. 'Are you...escaping?'

'I thought you were...never mind,' I sighed, jumping down and pulling the window shut. I didn't know what I was even planning on doing; clearly risking breaking my ankles was worth getting away from Archie. I was thankful to see it was Tiffany and not him but still confused as to why she was here.

'You thought I was Archie,' she finished my sentence.

'No,' I avoided her eyes. 'I thought you were my Mom.'

'You're a terrible liar,' she smirked.

'What are you doing here?' I changed the subject.

'I came to talk to you about all of this,' she sighed. 'All of this shit going on with you and Archie and needs fixed. You're a mess.'

'Thanks,' I rolled my eyes and moved to sit on my bed.

'I'm sorry but it's true,' she stormed over and stood with her hands on her hips. 'I befriended you on your first day at school and I vowed to myself that I would look out for you. Clearly, I haven't managed to do that. Tell me what's been going on.'

'It's nothing Tiff,' I sighed.

'Don't do that,' she groaned. 'You can tell me anything. I won't tell Kady or Millie or anyone. I just want to help look so down.'

'I've got a lot going on,' I told her.

'I can see that,' she nodded. 'Why were you with April Lakey this morning?'

'Because she's actually a great girl,' I told her. 'Once you get past her mean exterior she's actually sweet. I went to her house...met her family.'

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