Chapter 40

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For DariaLamtsova 💕 Your comments make me smile, especially those essays, it's amazing how passionate you get and I love talking to you so much; you are such a kind soul💜

'So, clearly he is panicking right now,' I was saying to Cal as we lounged on the sofa in front of the crackling fire. It was only late afternoon but the weather was dull and the dim lighting within the cabin gave off such a cosy atmosphere. The two of us being alone together surrounded by nothing was the best feeling.

I was lounging in my favourite t-shirt of his again, spread on my front across Cal who was laid on his back on the sofa. I circled the tattoos on his chest as I voiced my passing thoughts about Archie and what had just happened between us in town.

'Just stay away from him,' Cal breathed. 'If he tries anything with you I'll probably end up in fucking jail anyway.'

'This is going to be so hard, Cal,' I sighed. 'How can I go on watching him walk about town and school knowing what he's done; knowing he should be behind bars?'

'Okay,' Cal began deeply, trying to sit up as he looked at me intensely. 'I told you this before I showed you the footage. I warned you that it could become a burden so don't start trying to come up with a way to lock him up because it's not happening.'

'Calm down,' I frowned. 'It's not becoming a burden it's just fucking annoying.'

'It's been a year, Bethan,' he stated. 'People have moved on and you have to get over it because there's nothing you can do.'

'I wish there were a way for him to pay for what he's done without involving you,' I complained.

'Well, there isn't,' he said. 'They'll find anything to try and put me behind bars with him and the fact I've held onto this evidence for a year now is enough to send me away for a long time.'

'Okay,' I nodded. 'I would never say anything to anyone.'

'I only showed you because I needed you to know you weren't getting involved with the person that everyone keeps trying to tell you I am,' he said.

'I know,' I nodded. 'Let's just try and forget about it now.'

'Good,' he nodded. 'Just stay away from him, alright?'

I nodded and laid my head down on his chest, staring into the glow of the flames and listening to the rise and falls of Cal's chest. I knew he was right; we had to keep it to ourselves and forget about it, but it was something I could not get off my mind. I figured it would take a couple days before the shock of the news settled down and I could move past it.

'It's time for me to start making my college applications,' I changed the subject.

'Oh yeah?' Cal responded. 'That's cool. Columbia right?'

'That's always been the plan,' I answered carefully. 'Then again, a lot has changed.'

'It doesn't matter what's changed,' Cal said. 'If that's your dream and always has been then nothing should stand in the way.'

'I don't think it's necessarily about things standing in the way,' I said nervously.

'Well, regardless, you're a smart girl and you can go wherever you like providing you keep those grades up,' he said. 'I'll be making sure you do.'

'Oh yeah?' I giggled.

'For sure,' he answered.

'What about Penn State?' I asked as I nibbled my lower lip.

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