Chapter 3- Beetle who?

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"Dad, I'm taking Lydia out for dinner we'll be back later!" you shouted while pulling on your leather jacket, you heard him shout back his reply "But Delias already started making dinner" before you could apologise or come up with an excuse Lydia was already answering for you"we don't care!" she shouted before turning back to wave at Adam and Barbara and pulling you out the front door, you glanced back at the house and thought you saw a figure looking out at you from your bedroom window "(Y/n) what are you looking at?" Lydia looked between you and your window with a confused expression "oh nothing come on, let's find somewhere nice to eat"

During dinner you tried your best not to think about Delia and how much your life was turned upside down, you have to be strong for Lydia but she's only a teenager and already so much emotionally stronger than you are, you feel like she's the one holding you together even though that should be your job as the older sister! "(N/n) are you okay? Its what Delia said isn't it?" Lydia pulled you out of your head, you nodded a response and started to fill your mouth with food "Look don't listen to her she doesn't know what she's talking about! She's telling you to find a proper job but shes a life coach and artist! She cant speak!" you swallow before replying " I know you're right Lyds she just gets to me sometimes. How are you holding up?" "Not good at all I cant believe dads going to replace mom with that, That witch!"

 The dinner consisted of complaining to each other followed by talking about your mom and finally finished with joking but the whole time you couldn't get how Delia and your dad thought of you like you are nothing out of your head, maybe you are nothing. After all, Lydia has the Maitlands she has no real use for you anymore.

After dinner the two of explored the strange new town together, You hadn't left the house much before this so you made sure to take in as much of it as you could as Lydia took photos on her old camera, The school, an old model shop that looks like its been empty for a few months, A recently repaired bridge and your personal favourite; the old church and all of its gravestone however  one strange one caught your attention more than the others "Here lies Betelgeuse" you read out loud while Lydia stood beside you, she was too busy taking photos of the grave next to you to really pay attention "Beetle who?" she replied before looking at the same stone you were, "Whoa that's awesome" you heard her camera go off again as she took a photo of the strange headstone. "Lydia I better not be in that!" you took the polaroid she just took and in it was you knelt beside the old grave, you didn't give it back to her instead of placing it in your pocket.

Once you got back you went straight up to your room which you assume to be empty to have a cry, as much as you tried to clear your mind all you could think about were Delia's words and how you weren't needed at all anymore, you pulled the strange photo out of your pocket and placed it on your desk.

"God, sometimes I wish I was invisible, that way no one would notice if I ended it all!" you spoke out loud to no one imparticular "No you don't babes" you hear a voice speak back and slowly turn around to see a tall pale man with green stubble and brunette and green hair in a dirty old black and white striped suit sitting on the end of your bed.

"Who are you and why are you in my room?" you spat back a response as quickly as possible."You can see me?" the man replied

"yeah?" you started getting serious De Ja Vu thinking back to when you first met the Maitlands"Oh my god you can see me! You wanna be friends with a dead guy kiddo?" the man seemed overly cheery for a dead guy

"I'm not a 'kiddo' I'm 20 and if it means I can join you in the whole, y'know being dead thing then sure" your monotone voice replied without really thinking about what you were saying. "20 huh?" he looked you up and down "You sounded rather depressed Babes, why don't you tell the ghost with the most what's wrong?" you don't know why but all of a sudden you have complete trust in this ghost You talk about the stress of becoming a mother figure while trying to stay a best friend only to be replaced by Barbara, the stress of losing your mom, and leaving your passion behind you in new york and now your dads new fiance shaming you for wanting to work in the death industry.

"So you're into death... well maybe deaths into you too" The ghost winked at you and to your surprise, you weren't disgusted by his lame attempt at a pick-up line. "Well I'm not into death, I don't think its a good thing, I just think that humans as a species don't pay enough attention to it and I think the dead deserve just as much attention as the living" you were about to start your usual speech on how death shouldn't be something scary and how wanting to go to mortuary school isn't weird before he interrupted up

"Tell you what, You seem like you need my help babes and I want to help you, you say my name three times and I'll scare your family away, you won't need to worry about them anymore" you took a minute to think through his offer, "I don't know your name"

"yes you do, the photo of the grave you took, that's mine" Shock filled you, you grabbed the photo off your desk "Your name is Beetle-"

"Hey (Y/n), we just thought we check in to see how dinner with Lydia went" you heard Barbara's voice and turned to your door to see the Maitlands standing there.

"A-dog, B-town my old pals!" the newer ghost said, "Wait you know these two" no sooner had the words left your mouth had Adam given you a clear answer "Get away from her! (Y/n) this is a dangerously unstable individual" confusion filled you, unstable? but Beetle-man had been nothing but nice to you, Barabaras voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice" you heard her shout followed by Beetlejuice saying an "Awh man" before he disappeared and you suddenly felt very alone again.

Adam was the next person to speak up "He didn't hurt you at all, you're alright right?" He sounded worried so you replied quickly to put his mind to rest " No he just..." Barbara was the next to act worried, "He just what (Y/n)?" 

"He just listened to me" Both of the friendly spirits looked at you shocked, obviously surprised that Beetlejuice didn't try to hurt you, "Guys, I appreciate your help and you looking out for me but I think I'm going to head to bed, I don't feel too great, It must've been something I ate" you lied to them to get them to leave and it worked "Alright honey sleep well" Barbara replied before leaving you alone in your room.

Now not only were you alone; Now you're alone and confused about how a creepy old ghost is the only person who can make you feel less alone. Butterflies began to fill your stomach as you thought about him, The ghost with the most.

Sorry for the slightly later update guys, I made this chapter a tad longer to make up for it!

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