Chapter 12- I have to tell him!

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Another day of scareing had past and as Lydia and Beej were having the time of their lives you couldn't help but be stuck in your mind a lot of the time. All you could think about was Beetlejuice and how he made you feel, sure you had feelings for people in the past but nothing as intense as this, Beetlejuice gave you the kind of feeling people write novels about. This feeling was consuming you, taking over your body, It felt like the butterflies had decided to live in your stomach forever. Like sugar and spice and all things nice was running through your veins. But of course it felt scary, It feels like you're literally falling but right before you smash into the ground he catches you. You stand up at a speed you never thought possible and walked out of your room, you went downstairs to the living room and interrupted the scare match that was currently happening between Lydia and BJ "Hey babes you feeling any better?"

You were confused before realising you had feigned sickness to get a moment alone with your thoughts, "A lot better thanks Beej, Lydia can I talk to you?... In private" You both walked into her room before laying down on top of the covers on her bed. "(Y/n), what is it?" you didn't respond and by not doing so you inadvertently worried your younger sister. Lydia sat up as you remained staring at the ceiling "(N/n)? Are you okay" you closed your eyes trying to ease all these thoughts running through your head but instead of darkness when you closed your eyes all you could see was him. You let out a sigh.

"Lydia, I'm more than okay, I'm amazing. In fact I've never felt this happy or content in my whole life" she looked at you, confusion clear in her expression, you sat up so you could talk to her properly "Look Lyds I think..." you hesitated, sighed and the continued "I think I'm in love" shock overtook her confusion "In love? With Beetlejuice"

"I think so" you could guess what her next question was going to be so you answered before she got the chance to ask "And yes I know he's a dead guy but I can't help it, he just makes me feel so, so" you couldn't think of the right word "So what (Y/n), he makes you feel so what?" "So valid Lyds, and so listened to and wanted and special and beautiful and everything good I haven't felt in a long time! When I'm with him I just feel like I'm at home, more so than any house could ever make me feel" at this stage you began to wonder why of all the people in the world you decided to speak to your younger sister who had no experience in this topic about it. "(Y/n), I'm probably not going to be much help here. To be honest, I'm confused as to why you need help but maybe you should talk to Barbara and Adam about this? They have a lot more experience than I do"

"Yeah, you're right Lyds! As always" and then what she said hit you "Wait... Adam and Barbara are still here! Why haven't I seen them since the business dinner?"

"Well they've been hiding from Beetlejuice, They haven't left the attic once since you summoned him. I think they're scared"

After a minute or so of convincing you decided to go up to speak to the Maitlands, they were as shocked to see you as you were to see them and after a small reunion and a surprising amount of hugging you decided to tell them exactly what you told Lydia only this time you left out who it was. "Well (Y/n) I don't understand what the problem is, If this guy makes you so happy then you should tell him how you feel," Adam said, You didn't mean to but you rolled your eyes unsurprised at a typical male answer, If only it was that easy. "I know you're worried he won't like you back (Y/n) but you're a beautiful young woman and from what you're saying I'd say telling him is worth the risk. What's his name anyway?" you knew they were going to find out sooner or later so decided to just get it over with, you mumbled his name "Speak up we can't hear you" Adam said, you just mumbled again until Lydia spoke up for you "Its Beetlejuice" you looked up at their faces Adam looking like he was about to faint and Barbara almost looking angry "What!? (Y/n) Is this true!" she asked you, you refused to be ashamed after all Beetlejuice had done so much good in your life, so what could they possibly see in him that's so bad? "Yes it is true"

And that's where the argument started, a back and forth between you and the Maitlands, you sharing all the wonderful things about BJ, whilst they listed things to try and put you off although it had the opposite effect, with everything you said and heard you realised just how much you really did love the ghost with the most.

"I have to tell him! I have to tell him now!!"

Memento Mori (Beetlejuice x reader)Where stories live. Discover now