Chapter 10- Redecorate

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"So when did you two get together?" you heard Lydia speak up, It was relaxing to have someone other than you and Beetlejuice know about your relationship, you looked up at  beetle juice with a gaze full of love as he looked right back at you before replying to Lydia "Not long ago kiddo" "I'm not a kiddo" you started laughing which broke your gaze from BJ, Lydia really was your mini-me sometimes "What's so funny?" she asked and once again BJ spoke up before you did "Your big sister said the exact same thing the first time I called her kiddo, You two are freakishly similar" "Yeah we know" you and Lydia said at the same time. Growing up so close the two of you were familiar with acting almost identically but it obviously took Beej by surprise, you and Lydia giggled a little at Beetlejuice's surprised expression before she spoke up again, "So he's why you suddenly wanted to stay here instead of move back to New York" you smile at her knowing she finally understood.

After 10 or so minutes of looking around the house which was now yours and Lydias a thought came to you "Lyds, we've got this place to ourselves now.  why don't we redecorate?" Lydia looked around before agreeing with you "Yeah Delia did a number on this place, but what can we use to decorate (N/n)? We don't have any paint or wallpaper or tools" she was right, it would take a lot to fix the mess Delia made and neither of you had any experience when it came to interior decorating.

"(Y/n) Babe, I could decorate for you" Beetlejuice offers, you and Lydia share a glance before looking back at him "I dunno Beej""Awh come on, I'm the ghost with the most, Babes" he winks at you, Lydia nudges you as if telling you to give him a chance you think about it a little while, what's the worst he could do, you sigh "Fine, but if you fuck it up I won't be happy Babes" you try to do an impression of him by saying babes but fail miserably and leave the three of you laughing.

Finally when you all calm down and Beetlejuice speaks up "Lets turn on the juice and see what shakes loose" next thing you know the room looked completely different, The walls were dark, the seats at the dining table had spikes, The sofa had changed to black and white stripes and there was what looked like a fake black and white snake going in and out of the walls, it was perfect. You look at Lydia and see she's in just as much surprise as you are "Beej its.." "Amazing" Lydia finished your sentence for you 

You sit on the sofa and sink into its softness, Lydia sits down beside you and you pull her into a hug, you glance over to see Beetlejuice smiling at the two of you before he walks over sits on the other side of you and places his arm around your shoulders. "Lydia this is the happiest I've been in a long time, I think I like this small family we've created, us and our ghostly friends" you smile at BJ, Lydia muffled a reply, her voice dampened as you still had her in a hug "I think I'm actually going to like it here now" this just made you feel even happier. Ever since your mom died you had been trying your best to make Lydia's life as normal as possible for her, but now you've realised normal isn't what's good for Lydia, strange and unusual is what's good for her and the situation you're in now is certainly strange and unusual; You're in love with a ghost, you have ghosts living in the attic, you just scared your parents out of your house and you're both finally able to express yourself how you want. 

"Me too Lyds, Me too" Beetlejuice places a kiss on the side of your head before jumping up from the sofa and knocking you and Lydia over in the process "Enough sap lets do something fun!" you look at him with a suspicious look yet you were sure your excitement shone through, "Like what?" you ask him with a smirk "Lets scare some breathers!"

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