Chapter 6- Important

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" Hey (N/n) whats all the noise in here about?" Lydia looked up to see you and Beetlejuice sitting on your bed and she froze in her spot "Who the hell is that!?" both you and BJ remain quiet while staring back at Lydia until she speaks up again "I'm gonna go get barbara"

"No no no kid wait!" Beetlejuice was the first to respond but as he stepped towards her Lydia stepped away. "Lydia wait" she turned to look at you "This is BJ, he's another ghost and I promise you hes harmless!" even though you mean the words youre saying your scared you dont sound sincere enough "I dont know (Y/n) I still feel like I should tell Adam and Barbara"

"Please dont Lydia" you were sure you sounded desperate but Beetlejuice had become like an emotional crutch for you and you couldnt bear even the thought of losing him again. "But why not (Y/n), Give me one good reason not to tell the maitlands right now" You knew lydia was just worried about your safety but at the same time it annoyed you that she was thinking about going against you.

"Lydia I need you to do this for me, BJ has a not so good past with the Maitlands and if they realise he's here they'll send him away...again, and I dont think I could deal with that." Lydia looked confused and Beetlejuice kept quiet in the background so you decided to keep going with your speech "Beej has been there for me the past few day, when I've felt alone, when I've felt joy and even when I felt like I wanted to end it all. He was there for me, he makes me feel wanted and Important and more than just the big sister or eldest daughter. He doesnt think my interest in death or my taste in movies is weird; Hell we even have the same sense of humour and Lyds to be honest with you he make me so happy, happy in a way I havent felt since newyork" you let the words spill out of your mouth not caring that BJ was in the room to hear it all, and not letting anyone interrupt you until you had finished talking and when you finally did Lydia remained quiet for a full minute, ovbiously lost in though, before responding.

"Fine I wont tell Barbara or Adam, But you have to promise me he's 100% safe and you'll bring me along if you do anything cool or creepy" you laughed at her typical lydia response. "I promise Lydia" and with that she left the room leaving you alone with BJ once again.

You stayed put where you were, head down and gaze glued to your shoes once you realised yo had just said all of that out loud in front of Beetlejuice. At the time you hadn't cared but now that you had time to process what you had said you felt super embarassed and you could feel how red your cheeks were.

"Babe you're looking a little red there, are you okay?" you heard that voice that sent shivers down your spine speak up, you couldnt help but look up at him and you were slighlty surprised to see his ghostly features actually looked kind of concerned. "Yeah Beej I'm fine, Just a little shocked that all of that came out of my mouth" 

"It was a good cover babe. It worked after all" Bj responded and it didnt surprise you taht he didnt think you were being serious "I wasn't lying when I said that BJ, you do make me feel wanted and y'know, not lonely. You're Important to me Beej" he looked surprised with your reply, surprised in a way that makes you think he hasnt been called important in a long time. "You mean that (N/n)?" It sounded weird hearing him use the nickname that only Lydia and your mom ever used for you, Weird but right. 

"Of course I mean it, thats how I know you're a good friend even after only knowing you a few days" It killed you slightly inside to describe him as a friend when at this stage you were sure you wanted to be so much more, but you couldnt tell him that. You didnt want to ruin how good things were going with him at the minute and right now you needed his friendship more than anything.

There was a silence in the room for a whole 5 minutes before you decided to breal the awkwardness "Hey BJ?"


"I have the Exorcist, Do you wanna watch it together?" 

"Of course I do! Has anyone ever told you you're like Edgar Alan Poes daughter?" he asks and you chuckle before responding with a simple "No"

"Well babe its a good thing! It means you understand me"

Memento Mori (Beetlejuice x reader)Where stories live. Discover now