Chapter 9- It finally happens

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You got ready for the long night ahead and stepped out of your bathroom in a pale pink dress with a puffy skaterskirt style to it, you look to Beej and ask "How do I look" you can tell by his facial expression that he is in shock "Um earth to Beej?"

"Sorry babes i've just never seen you in a colour other than black...You look different" you stare at him trying to hold back a laugh but eventually youre both in a fit of hysterics "I look so stupid!" you say between laughs "You look like reject disney princess" this only makes you laugh harder.

A knock on your door interrupts your laughing you give BJ a quick kiss before he dissapeared, you knew he was going to find a good lurking place for tonight. "Come in" you shouted towards the door and in walked lydia in a puffy Lemon yellow dress which matched yours, before you know it you were laughing again but this time at Lydia and she was laughing at you. When you both eventually stopped laughing you heard a voice from downstairs ask your dad what happened to his 2 daughter you looked at Lydia and held out your hand "Shall we Lyds?" she took you hand and you both made your way downstairs.

Once you arrived you took a moment to savour the shocked look on Delias face before finding Beetlejuices hiding spot which was in a dark corner of the room you nudged Lydia and noded in the direction of him so she knew he was there and then you whispered in her ear "Hes my back up plan, just in case" she nodded

You tuned into what one of the strange so called buisness men was saying, he was looking you up and down not paying too much attention to Lydia "My what fine young girls you have, Why did you hide them away? Scared i was going to marry one?" he put his arm around your waiste and pulled you in to him it took you alot of self control not to slap him or say something to him about leaving you alone you heard his wife speak up in a dumb voice "He would, He would marry her" before they both laughed. You glanced at beetlejuice to see him glaring at the man and eventually your dad came to your rescue.

You all sat down for dinner you once again sat beside Lydia, the conversation went on for around 20 minutes before Lydia could speak up "You know that this house is haunted" Delia turned quickly to glare at lydia, with a smirk you joined in the conversation "Yeah it is, theres 2 ghosts that live in the attic". Lydia then spoke up again "Theyre actually on the stairs right now" you turned around and saw Barbara and Adam, both you and Lydia waved to them and they waved back.

You heard Delias fake laugh before she spoke up "Oh thats just a little joke the girls and I have, isnt it girls" she glared at you before continuing, "Especially (Y/n) and I, shes a little strange you see. Obsessed with death and -" before she could finish her sentance she stood up and in a loud singing voice began to sing, one by one everyone else joined in until only you and Lydia were left laughing at everyone.

Once the song had finished and everyone stopped dancing smiles formed on everyones faces; much to your surprise. "That was brilliant! A real life haunted house! Charles this could make us millions!"

Lydia was the first to speak up "What!?"

"We're so sorry girls it didnt work"

"No no that wasnt the plan! They only want to live in peace with us not be exploited for money" Lydia shouted, "Theyre dead Lydia, its a bit late for living in peace now! Talk to (Y/n) i'm sure shed love to tell you all about death she is strange like that after all!" Delia replied. 'Of course through all of this she still picks on me' you thought to yourself 

"You're supposed to be scared!" Lydia said sounding frustrated, you still hadn't said a word through all of this until your backup plan came back into your mind. You glanced to the corner Beej was in and he waved at you "Theres one thing that can still syop them" as soon as the words left your mouth Barbara spoke back "(Y/n), No you dont know what will happen" you felt tears of frustration begin to fill your eyes "I can't keep living like this! Beetlejuice!"

"Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy! The time has finally come! Youre never gonna regret this!" You heard BJ say as he started walking towards you.

"Beetlejuice!" you said again sounding slightly more unsure this time.

"We already make such a great team Babes! Just give me 1 more!" You listened carefully to the voice you loved so much, his voice, and suddenly you werent worried anymore.

"BEETLEJUICE!" you shouted as loud as you could.

"Its showtime!"

Suddenly a large head and arms that looked alot like BJ appeared and started to push people out of the door, you heard screams come from your guests, loaughs from Beej and Lydia and Barbara shout "Stop it!" finnaly you heard the ginat head speak up "We've come for your daughters Chuck" followed by your dad shouting both yours and Lydias names and Delia shouting Lydia.

Beetlejuice looked at you and you nodded, the giant arms then pushed your dad and Delia out of the front door before dissapearing. You walked over to Beej and stood beside him, Lydia followed standing beside you.  you heard her laugh and then speak up "Shes really gone!?" Beej looked at the both of you before responding"Its our house now kids, Looks like we're not invisible anymore!"

 You feel a massive smile form on your face and look at Beej, you see him smiling back at you and you cant help yourself his smile has taken over your mind you lean up and kiss him.

"Ewwww" you heard Lydia say, you giggled through the kiss and broke away from the kiss to jokingly push Lydia away.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I took inspiration from some of the lines in the musical but I changed them up to fit this storyline better! Sorry for the slow updates this week has been super busy but I only have 1 more 8 hour shift left to work tomorrow and I'm also giving in my weeks notice tomorrow so hopefully updated will become more frequent. 

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