Chapter 4- We meet again

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Lydias P.O.V

I was in my room looking through the photos I took while out with (Y/n), when I heard a knock on the door, I shouted a quick "Come in" and turned to see Adam and Barbara

"Lydia, We're worried about (Y/n) she seems off," Barbara said in a quiet voice to make sure (Y/n) couldn't hear us through the bedroom wall. "She said she has a stomach ache but I think there's more to it" Adam added on.

I thought about it for a little while before responding "She did seem distant during dinner, I even brought up Mom and she didn't react much to it at all, guys I'm worried about her" I could hear my voice quiver as I spoke, I racked my mind to come up with solutions but Barbara beat me to it.

"Why don't we throw her a small party in the attic? Just the 4 of us, we can show her how important she is to us all" As soon as the words left Barbaras mouth I was already at my desk listing ideas and before anyone else spoke up I had a plan!

"Okay so here's the plan, We set it up tonight while she's asleep so she doesn't get suspicious..."

(Y/N) P.O.V

By the time you woke up the day after meeting Beetlejuice for the first time, it was already midday, You got out of bed and stretched and the lonely feeling came flooding back to you taking over your whole body. Thinking that the photo of you from last night might help you feel better you went to look at it on your desk but it wasn't where you left it; Suddenly you feel a weird anxiousness at the thought of losing the photo and start to turn your room upside down to look for it. Lydia must've heard the ruckus you were creating because at that moment she came into your room.

"(N/n can you meet me in 5 minutes in the attic, I've got something I want to tell you and the Maitlands" She sounded serious, the anxiousness was overtaken by worry for your little sister.

"Of course Lydia but is everything all right?" she replied straight away before leaving the room "Yeah I'm fine, Just remember 5 minutes in the attic. Don't be late!" Releasing you didn't have much time to get ready you ran into your bathroom and changed out of your pyjamas pulling on an oversized black jumper, Some black shorts and your fishnet tights, you then brushed your teeth before pulling on your black combat boots and headed upstairs to the attic.

You opened the creaky door stepped in and was in complete awe, the place was covered head to toe in fairy lights and had a bunch of Lydias old polaroids pinned to the walls and hanging from the ceiling beams, There were plates of food sitting on the table beside Adams model village and the whole place just looked amazing.

You stood in awe and silence until Barbara spoke up "We noticed you were feeling kind of down and we knew it wasn't your stomach so we decided to let show you how important you are to us" You could feel you eyes start to water when Lydia walked up to you and began speaking "(Y/n) Adam and Barbara was telling me you seemed off and we decided that maybe if we showed you how much you mean to us, especially me, then maybe you'd feel a lot better. I know how tough things have been on me since Mom died but I didn't even think about how much worse it would be for you, Suddenly being forced into the mother position of the family and then having to move cities and leaving your dreams behind you, I never even thanked you until now so this is what this is, a big thank you for being the best big sister, even if I may be the better sibling" she giggled the last part and the tears started to run down your face.

" Don't cry, please don't cry, It was a joke I'm sorry" you heard Lydia say suddenly worried "They're happy tears Lyds, I promise" you pull the two ghosts and Lydia into a group hug to show them just how thankful you are as you didn't think words would be enough, the 4 of you begin your mini party together, eating, reminiscing and singing along badly to some old music, while Adam and Barbara are singing their favourite song together you get distracted and notice one photo imparticular hanging on the wall, the photo of you at Beetlejuices grave. you begin to drown out the two friendly spirits singing when you suddenly notice a third much deeper, gravelly voice singing along and that's when you notice BJ in the corner of the room.

He smiles at you and your stomach fills with butterflies again, slowly he puts his finger up to his mouth to signal silence and suddenly disappears. 'There is no way I could be falling for a dead guy I barely know just because he listened to me when I wanted to end it all! Right?' you think to yourself

As the party was brought to an end I couldn't get the thought of that ghost out of my head, and the butterflies stayed for as long as I was thinking about him.

The Maitlands insisted on tidying everything up and a day of junk food and bad music had tired you out so you didn't mind leaving it to them, You grabbed your now favourite photo off the wall and headed downstairs to your bedroom telling Lydia you were going for a Nap, you pushed your door open and flopped down on your bed... except you didn't land on your nice soft bed.

"Well babes I didn't know you were that eager" The voice sent chills down your spine, you didn't rush to get up, instead staying laid across BJ who was laid across your bed, "So we meet again" you said voice half-muffled by the way you were laying, "Stay quieter this time I don't want Adam and Barbara to get rid of you again, I like having you here!"

More Beetlejuice to come in the next chapter!!! (Actually the next chapter is mostly you and BJ) I'm hoping to get 2 up tomorrow as I have a day off! Yayyyy

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