Chapter 14- She was our world!

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There was a knock on the front door "Oh I'll get it!" you heard beej shout before opening the door, although this time you didn't hear a scream like you were expecting instead you heard beej shout you and lydia to tell you it was for you. You walked out from your room annoyed to be disturbed from the current book you were reading, 'From here to eternity' by Caitlin Doughty, however your annoyance only grew once you saw your Father and Delia standing there.

They hadn't realised you were there yet but you overheard them talking to Lydia about getting the house back, BJ gave you a look as if telling you to behave but you decided to join the conversation anyway "No absolutely not!"

"(N/n), sweetheart it's our house" your father said in a calm response but you were having none of it. "Don't you dare sweetheart me dad! This house has finally become somewhere happy and comfortable for me and Lyds. Somewhere we can talk about and remember Mom without being shamed, and you just want to take it away from us! No way" Delia rolled her eyes and opened her mouth but before any words left her mouth the shape of a door opened next to you in the wall and out walked the maitlands from a green glowing light they looked up shocked to see more people in the house than when they left. "Sorry folks just back from a meeting with our caseworker Juno in the neitherworld. The wait in that office is awful!"

you look at lydia and she understands, you and Lydia run in, you heard BJ shout "(Y/n) No!" before he and your father ran in after you. You and Lydia ran back and forth trying to find your mom and running into some strange characters along the way. You ran screaming for your mom for what felt like forever before falling to your knees finally letting your true pent up emotion show Lydia kneels down beside you and pulls you into a hug "what're we doing (n/n)?" You look up at her as she continues to speak out to your mom asking her for help, you join in "are you really in this place? It's like the emptiness of space" Lydia continues "we're lost without you" you feel tears roll down your cheeks "mom I don't wanna forget you" you look to Lydia and see her crying as well

Surprisingly your dad and beej find you at the same time, but BJ decided on staying in the background "Lydia, (Y/n) there you are! Come on we have to go home" Lydia is about to follow when she realises you're not moving "I don't have a home" you choked out a reply, your dad sounds stressed as he replies "look I know things are a bit difficult" Lydia then joins in sounding angry "But we're moving forward right? That's your answer for everything" you agree with Lydia, Stand up and reply "move forward, feel nothing. Well you got what you wanted Dad, an infinite abyss of nothing!" you use your arms to signal to the space around you, the tears are streaming down your face now as you hear him respond "You think this is what I want!? I never said-" Lydia speaks up before you can "you never say anything!" You can see the emotion becoming too strong for her so you take over the conversation with your dad but take a hold of her hand as you do, you're still aware of the lingering presence of BJ in the background but you don't care if he sees your true emotions at this point.

"She was my whole world, Lydias whole world" you try to take a breath to steady your shaking voice but it doesn't work "and she left us" you start to feel a strong anger so you turn to look at your dad before carrying on "and YOU won't even say her name" he shouts a reply back "Because it hurts too much!" Realisation fills both yours and Lydias expressions "She was my world too girls...that's why I've been trying so hard to build a new one" you see a tear roll down his cheek but that doesn't stop Lydia from replying "but dad, there's no one in it" you look at her and down at your still joined hands and speak up "Dad, we left each other behind and now we're all alone, Me and Lydia only have each other but we're still kids, We need you!" this time it was your dad's turn for the realisation "you're right, the nights before the end she-Emily took my hand and said I know you want to fix it but we just have to hold onto eachother" your dad continued to talk but the emotion was too much for you, you fell to you knees as he continued talking you only tuned back into Lydia voice "I don't wanna forget her, I'm so scared I'm gonna forget her" she sobbed through her words and sat down beside you, you put your arms around her pulling her close to you, realising you have to be strong for her and look up to your dad "Promise us we can talk about her!" He comes over to you both and kneels down in front of you "anytime you want" he pulls you both into the tightest hug you had from him in months.

Lydia is the first to pull away and speak up "let's go home!" Lydia and your dad ran on but you hung back still feeling a need to talk to whatever semblance of your mom was out there "mama I'm gonna go back home, Adam, Barbara, Delia, Lydia and dad and of course Beej, it's messy but they're all that I have and I promise you I'll make the best of being flesh and bone!" You feel some arms wrap around you and turn around to see BJ his eyes glassy from tears "I thought I lost you!" You heard him speak in a quiet voice, "When you ran in here I had no idea how the netherworld would-" you interrupted him and pulled him into a deep kiss before pulling away and speaking up "you'll never loose me Beej, now come on let's catch up with the others" you grab his hand and go to leave but he pulls you back "(Y/n) I know this is going to sound cheesy but your mom is with you, she's always been with you! And hey the netherworld is actually really nice, Crazy but nice" before you could even reply he pulled you into a tight hug filled with emotion before quickly pulling away and gently rubbing away the stray tear running down your cheek, "now come on, let's catch up with them"

Hey guys! I am spending the next few days in London before moving into my new house just outside London so I probably wont update again until sunday/monday! Moving from Ireland to London is alot of work but it'll be worth it to be out of my parents house and to have a Beetlejuice themed room! 

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