Lone Island

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Caspian's POV: Lucy and Edmund are here with me and i felt bad for Lucy because all of a sudden she started crying i really don't know why she ran out of the door crying so much. So i went and go check on her i knocked on the door but no answer i opened it and saw Lucy asleep i smiled and went back on deck, Edmund:" is Lucy ok?" Me:" yeah she was just tired" me and Edmund were looking out if there was and island in sight i heard a door close and saw Lucy come out i went towards her.Me:" Lucy were you ok?" Lucy:" yeah i was just... uhhh... tired" i could see she was lying but just smiled and wrapped and arm around her shoulder " Land ho" a crew member yelled i looked out and saw the lone island Me:"Captain drop some boats" some of the crew members came with us and some didn't we got there and it was very quiet Lucy:" why is it so quiet?" i told the other crew members to stay here and if we don't come back before noon to send a party. Me Lucy Edmund and Eustace went to look around Eustace:" i think i should stay here for the look out" Me:" sure" i rolled my eyes and handed him a knife Me Lucy and Edmund went inside a old church it was dark inside and Lucy found a list of people Lucy:" what's is this" Me:" slave traders" then the bell rang and people came from the top i took my sword out and fighting the people Lucy and Edmund were doing the same. I heard a scream and stoped it was Eustace he got captured Stranger:" put down your sword or i'll make him scream like a girl again" everyone dropped their sword and grabbed them i saw Lucy trying to get away but they got her Stranger:" oh this one is a beauty" Me:" i wouldn't touch her if i was you" Stranger:" and why not? she's mine until somebody buys her" i clenched my teeth and said Me:" because she's my wife" everyone froze Lucy looked shocked but knew what i was doing Edmund eyes with anger Stranger:" very well" he let me go to Lucy i whispered to her Me:" i'm gonna have to kiss you to make them think your actually my wife ok?" she nodded and i put my lips against hers she didn't have to kiss back but she did i felt bad for kissing her because she was like my sister i pulled back and saw her blush the traders pull us apart everyone saw us kiss Lucy:" CASPIAN!!! EDMUND!!!" i saw her disappear they took me and Edmund to a cave i woke up and tried to kick the door open but it didn't work Edmund:" why did you call her your wife?" Me:" well if they think she is my wife they won't do nothing to her" Edmund:" oh thank god thank you" Me:" i'm sorry for kissing her... i had to do it so they actually think she is my wife" Edmund:" well it's pretty weird seeing my sister and my friend kiss but it was for her safety you don't see her has anything else right?" Me:" oh no i see her has my sister" Edmund:" Good but you were her first kiss i don't think she gonna forget that" Me:" oh i feel sorry if she wanted her first kiss to be someone else" Edmund:" don't be i rather you being her first kiss not some other guy" i laughed. " It's no use of getting out of here" i heard a voice i looked around and saw i man Me:" lord bern?"  " who are you?" Me:" i'm King Caspian" he bowed Me:" oh no please stand" Edmund:" Caspian look" i looked out a window i saw a boat going into some green mist Me:" what's this" Lord Bern:" keep watching" so i did and the boat disappeared in the mist Lord Bern:" those are the people who weren't sold" Me:" Lucy" Edmund: we have to go and get her" the traders took us outside because it was market day i saw Lucy i heard Stranger:" be careful with this one because she's married" i smiled and people were yelling 100 crecents "Sold" they put a Sold sign on Lucy and took her off stage " i'll take your hands of them" it was the captain and he crew the started fighting i bunched one of the traders and made my way to Lucy i untied her Me:" are you ok?" Lucy:" yeah i'm fine you" Me:" yeah i'm good ...come in let's go" i helped her up. people were cheering we were on the way back to the ship and lord bern came towards me and gave me his sword Lord Bern:" here's my sword" Me:" thank you" i have the sword to Edmund and went to the ship we got on and retired to our sleeping cords. Lucy's POV: Today i almost got sold i got kissed by Caspian! he told me he was it was my first kiss it was so great but i heard him say he only sees me as his sister he was just protecting me he said it so serious i was sad but i got to kiss him but it was a forced kiss, i signed and rolled over this cabin smelled so much like Caspian sweet loving just brilliant and then i closed my eyes and fell to sleep.

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