Deathwater Island

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Lucy's POV:I woke up and went up deck were i saw Reepicheep, Edmund, Eustace and the guy i liked or even love Caspian they were all staring out in the sea. Edmund:" Hey Lu did you sleep well" Me:"...yeah" i lied i didn't get to sleep good because i was thinking of Caspian i didn't know what to do i heard a throat clear behind me i turned around and it was Caspian. Caspian:" Lucy are you ok?" Me:" yes i'm fine why?" Caspian:" because your shaking like crazy" he grabbed my hand and it was soft i looked up to him Caspian:" let me walk you to your cabin" i followed him and he sat on the bed with me. Caspian:" Lucy can you tell me what's wrong?" no i can't Me:" it's nothing Caspian" we sat in silence for a moment before u asked him something Me:"Caspian did you like Susan?" Caspian:" well she was very beautiful and-" i sobbed so much that i couldn't breath he called her beautiful everyone thought she was beauty. Caspian:" Lucy calm down" Me:" How can i calm down Caspian!?" i yelled Me:" everyone thinks Susan is beautiful" Caspian:" Lucy...people think your beautiful to you just have to believe it your pretty" i started to cry again "Land Ho!!" we heard someone yell Caspian went outside and i followed it was Deathwater Island we dropped boats and went to the island i sat across from Caspian i smiled s little at him and he smiled back . We got out of the boat and left the crew to find food Me Caspian and Edmund went to explore Eustace went somewhere we walked around and it was really rocky Caspian found a cave and it wasn't deep Caspian:" well let's go down and see what we find" Edmund went first then Caspian and then me Caspian waited for me and helped me down we walked threw the cave and it was light. Edmund found a pound that had a statue Edmund:" is this a gold pond?" Caspian:" i think it is wait look a sword" I looked and it was a golden sword Edmund grabbed a shell and threw it in me and Caspian looked at each other Me:" what are you staring at?" Edmund:" think about it Lucy we could be so rich no one could tell us what to do" Caspian:" you can't take things from Narnia Edmund" Edmund:" Says who" Caspian:" i do" Edmund turned around with a angry expression his face. Edmund:" I'm not your object you don't tell me what to do" Me:" Edmund-" he pushed me Caspian:" well if your so brave proof it" Edmund took his sword out Caspian did the same Me:" No! Stop it! Both of you! don't you see this place had tempted you it's bewitching you! let's get out of here" i walked out i saw Caspian coming my way we all got out of the cave the crew found a little bit of food i couldn't find Eustace Me:" Edmund i got a bad feeling" Edmund:" i'll go find him" Caspian:" i'll go with you" he handed me the sword i grabbed his hand Me:" please be careful" he nodded and went back i saw Edmund it looked like he knew what i felt about Caspian. A hour past and no sign of Caspian or Edmund i got so worried i was on the very top of the ship with Reepicheep i saw Caspian and Edmund walking but no Eustace i saw a dragon coming towards Caspian Me:" CASPIAN!!!" he turned around and ducked then i saw that the dragon got Edmund Me:"Edmund!" Edmund:" Lucy!" The Captain mover the ship to land and i got off and saw Caspian and Edmund i ran towards Edmund and hugged him Me:" i was so worried" i basically jumped on Caspian and hugged him so tight Me:" are you ok" Caspian:" i'm fine Lucy" he smiled my brother looked at me weirdly i quickly got off of Caspian and made my way to the dragon Me:"so this is Eustace?" Edmund": yep" i saw something it was gold it was a bracelet i went towards him and took it off Caspian:" he got the dragons treasure it's cursed" Me:"could we bring him back?" Caspian:" not that i know of were gonna have to stay with him the night" Dirían:" we can't take him in the ship" Caspian:" well stay here" Dirían:"you won't have any warmth". And then Eustace blowed fire and put it i the floor we all laughed and sat down the rest of the crew went back to the ship so it was just Me, Caspian,Edmund, Reepicheep the mouse and Eustace i later in a cloak and stared up in the sky i heard Reepicheep talking to Eustace i turned around and saw Caspian not far from me he was asleep i smiled at him he looked so handsome i smiled and heard Edmund clear his throat Edmund:"are you staring at Caspian sleeping" i turned around Me:" N-No" he laughed Edmund:" Lu i see the way you act and look at Caspian" oh no he figured it out Edmund:" you like him don't you" i couldn't help it anymore i nodded i felt a tear come down Edmund:" i knew it but don't worry i won't tell him" Me:"thank you but your not mad aren't you?" Edmund: "No i knows since we first met him i rather you be with him not some random boy" i laughed Me:"but he sees me like a sister he still likes Susan" Edmund:"i know but you never know if he just saying that to hide it" Me:" i hope your right" Edmund:" well we should get some sleep see you in the morning" Me:" ok goodnight" i can't believe Edmund knew this whole time that i liked Caspian and i was afraid he was going to be angry with me but he isn't peter he would get angry with me i cuddled up and feel asleep.

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