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Brian is the star football quarterback of his school. Some may call him the Jock,  the Player, and the Popular guy,  but those are just a few labels placed on him.  No one really gets to know much about the guy he truly is underneath unless they tried. His popularity may have stacked him high in the social agenda, however, he only has a few close knit friends.

Life became a circle of social life, parties, and sports leaving him with no room for anything else. Focused, Brian became determined to keep his grades up, to never miss football practice, and to plan along with his buddies for their last year in high school. His athletic background and strong physique plays a great role for his team as much as his agile ability also leading him into an opportunity of a lifetime.

An athletic scholarship.

One thing is for sure though, he always has his walls up on guard so that nothing will get in his way. He lets nothing get past them and he becomes more engaged than ever. Everything seemed to come easily for him, that is, until he met her.....


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Time is ticking. It's in the heat of the game. Brian holds the football in his hand and tucked it tightly under his arm. He's hustling. He's running. Forty yards...thirty yards. He's gaining speed. Number 16 is catching up behind him. Name: Bubba. Brian is edging closer and closer towards the endzone, but Bubba is also gaining speed towards him. Brian sees the gruff and massiveness of his fast approaching opponent and thrusts his legs in turbo mode. His opponent pushes more leg and regains distance. Twenty yards left...Bubba is nearing, close enough that his arm can probably reach number 3. Bubba makes his move to tackle. He dives...he misses!! Bubba rolls and tumbles while Brian swerves away from the sidelines almost unpredictably. Ten yards left and seconds on the clock! He's nearing, nearing...Touchdown!

The crowd rises to their feet. Screams and hollers blare through the air. Fans jumped up and down for the winning team and the alligator mascot runs around on two feet chasing after the football team of River Glen High School.

Brian is lifted up on a man-made pedestal and holding the first football trophy of the year in his hands. His mouth guard falls off and a  wide smile appears on his face making white teeth show bright in the midst of dirt and grass stained football uniforms. The trophy glimmers gold on top of its wooden base with the golden chiseled date and words of remembrance beneath it saying the winner. However, Brian's golden hair was unmatchable next to the trophy for it glistened as he lifted off his helmet in a great reveal. 

His spirit soared heights and as the game ended, chest bumps, fist bumps, special handshakes, and roaring crowds deadend. Even if the event had been over, Brian was still at his peak still excited for the other games to come. 

Football seemed to be the only thing that occupied most of his mind except for the occassional school work and friends that also kept him busy, but he knew that if he were to choose what he would want to do for the rest of his entire life, it would be football. No doubt ever came to his mind about it for he felt it is his calling to do so. 

For sure, he knew that this is what he would like to pursue still after his Senior year.

To be a professional football player.

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