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AGENT HOPE KENNER, aka Hope Andrea Mikaelson

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AGENT HOPE KENNER, aka Hope Andrea Mikaelson. A seventeen-year-old S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and a tribrid of a witch, vampire, and werewolf. And now she was apart of the Avengers team. They saved New York from a trickster god's attempt at taking over, using aliens called chitauri as his minions.

The news was buzzing about everything that had happened. The world was split, some hated them and the damage that they caused, while others thanked them for saving the city that was already going to be damaged by whatever Loki and the chitauri would've done if they hadn't arrived.

Hope could easily ignore the news just as much as she could try and ignore her families persistent calls. She had texted them all in a group chat to let them know that she was fine, she couldn't talk for a few days due to finishing some business, and that they should probably turn on the news if they wanted to find out what she was talking about.

Josie and Lizzie Saltzman spammed her with texts in their own separate group chat. Josie's text consisted of things such as 'are you okay?'. Lizzie's text, however, included things like 'are you out of your mind' and 'is captain america hot in person?'. She texted them that she was fine and would get back to them in a few days.

But Hope spent her time focused on grieving her father figure, Phil Coulson, who died believing in the Avengers. And he was right to have because they beat Loki and the chitauri in the end, mostly thanks to Tony Stark who flew a nuke into the portal that the chitauri were coming out of. They were lucky that Tony somehow survived.

The Avengers were now all gathered at Central Park to watch as Thor took Loki back to Asgard. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents surrounded the area to keep citizens away.

Loki had what could only be assumed as a human muzzle on which amused some of them. They all said their goodbyes to Thor and only glared at Loki before stepping aside. Hope had been the last one to do so.

"Have a safe journey, Thor" She went to shake his hand professionally which only made the god laugh loudly before pulling her into a hug. "It was good fighting beside you, Lady Hope. One day I shall bring you to Asgard so you shall meet Lady Sif, you are both strong warriors" Hope didn't question any of his words, hugging the god back before finally letting go.

Unlike the others who didn't say anything to Loki, Hope decided to. "Hope" She heard Steve call out in a warning tone. She ignored him and stepped right in front of Loki with no hint of fear in her eyes.

"Your entire plan to destroy us from the inside failed, Loki" Her glare hardened before continuing. "Your biggest mistake was killing Phil Coulson. He believed in the Avengers initiative when nobody else did. He's the reason we were all able to get back together and defeat your ass" Hope's voice then turned to a threatening tone as she continued.

"I'm going to be alive for a very, very long time. If you come back to Earth at any point, for any reason, I will dig my claws into your chest and pull your heart out. And a Mikaelson never breaks their promise" Hope finished her threat by letting her eyes glow and letting out a low growl that only she, Thor, Loki, and Steve could hear.

She then moved back and felt someone's hand rest on her shoulder. She turned her head slightly and smiled when she saw that it was Tony who did so.

They all stood back and watched as Thor, Loki, and the Tesseract were beamed up into the sky, or rather to the Bifrost, and were now on their way to Asgard.

Despite the fact that Loki was gone, Hope felt like they weren't ever gonna be safe again. Many more would now come to test them as earth's defenders. They would have to stay prepared for the day when they had another invasion or enemy to fight. But for now, they were able to have a break.


Hope sat in Fury's office a day after Loki went back to Asgard. It was just the two of them which worried the girl, wondering what she could've done to upset Fury. The man had apologized to her, one of the few times he'd ever apologized in his life, for outing her species while under the scepter's influence. She told him that it wasn't his fault, so this couldn't be about that. Her leg bounced up and down anxiously.

"Agent Kenner, you're not in trouble" The girl rose her eyebrows, now more intrigued than anything. "You're still seventeen, a child in the eyes of the law. The World Security Council only allowed you to be an agent because we got you a new legal guardian who could sign off a bunch of forms that allowed you to join. Unfortunately, when we lost Agent Coulson" This seemed like the most words she'd ever heard Fury say in a row.

"Does that mean I can't be an agent anymore? Or even an Avenger?" Fury shook his head, making her visibly relax knowing that Fury found a loophole per usual.

"We know we can't have your aunts or uncle be your legal guardian because of the Mikaelson name. Someone volunteered not too long after he was killed" Hope furrowed her eyebrows and took the file Fury handed her. She read the familiar documents that just needed her new legal guardian's signature.

"Who volunteered?" She heard the door to Fury's office open and a familiar scent hit her. "Who do you think?" Hope genuinely smiled widely as she realized who it was. She tried to hide her childish excitement by pretending to play cool.

"Did Pepper talk you into it?" She turned her head to see none other than Tony Stark standing in the room. He looked a lot better than he had after the huge battle considering he refused to take any of Hope's magical healing blood.

"Believe it or not, I make my own decisions sometimes without Pepper's input" Hope laughed at this. "Yeah, you have JARVIS to fill in that role for you" Tony huffed in false annoyance before sitting down next to the girl in the empty chair.

"What are your rules? The only rules Phil had were that I spent time with my old friends and family at least once a year" Hope smiled sadly after mentioning her former legal guardians, her former father figure who would always be family to her even after death.

"Just that you need to visit Pep and me at least once every few months and send us a text letting us know that you're alive every week" She felt amused with Tony's words. "It was Pepper's idea" He tried to defend himself. "Of course it was" Hope smirked and gave him a side hug before he signed all the legal documents that allowed her to be in S.H.I.E.L.D. since they made him her legal guardian a while before(not sure of the real process just go with it).

So although she lost Phil Coulson, her first legal guardian and the first person she let herself get close to after her parents died, she gained a new legal guardian as well as a team of superheroes who she would be fighting alongside whenever they were needed. It all seemed good...too good to be true.

That's it, the end of this book. It was truly a pleasure to write as well as read all of your amazing comments and feedback, thank you all so much. I am planning to write a sequel to this for the next movie she'd be in which will be The Winter Solider. Hope's going to have more of her own personal story that deviates from the original plot in that book, which I'm super pumped about! So, once again, thank you so much for reading this!

If you want to read more of my fanfics, check them out on my page. I'm currently doing another Marvel one that's based during Age of Ultron.

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